# Server Modding framework for Escape From Tarkov [![Build Status](https://drone.sp-tarkov.com/api/badges/SPT-AKI/Server/status.svg?ref=refs/heads/development)](https://drone.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server) [![Quality Gate Status](https://sonar.sp-tarkov.com/api/project_badges/measure?project=AKI&metric=alert_status&token=d3b87ff5fac591c1f49a57d4a2883c92bfe6a77f)](https://sonar.sp-tarkov.com/dashboard?id=AKI) ## Requirements - NodeJS (with npm) - Visual Studio Code - git [LFS](https://git-lfs.github.com/) ## Observations - The server was tested to work with **NodeJS 16.17.1**, if you are using a different version and experiencing difficulties change it before looking for support - If you are updating a branch you've had for some time, run `npm ci` before running any tasks. This will run the clean and install target from npm. - You can debug your mods using the server, just copy your mod files into the `user/mods` folder and put breakpoints on the **JS** files. **DO NOT** contact the dev team for support on this. ## Pulling - Run `git lfs fetch` and `git lfs pull` to acquire loot files ## Setup 1. Visual Studio Code > File > Open Workspace... > `project\Server.code-workspace` 2. Visual Studio Code > Terminal > Run Task... > npm > npm: Install ## Build This is for preparing for a release, not to run locally. **Mode** | **Location** -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- release | Visual Studio Code > Terminal > Run Build Task... > build:release debug | Visual Studio Code > Terminal > Run Build Task... > build:debug ## Test / Run locally Visual Studio Code > Run > Start Debugging # Features ## Progression Player profile is stored in SPT folder as a JSON file, allowing for changes to persist - Scav: - Stats increase by doing scav raids - Skills increase by doing scav raids - Scav reputation system (Karma) - Scavs hostile below certain level - Scav run cooldown adjustment - Scav follow chance adjustment - Scav case - ~~Completion time adjustment~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - ~~Equipment chance adjustment~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - Bosses hostile below certain level - ~~Exfil price adjustment~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - Improved gear with higher rep - Increase rep by exiting through car extracts - PMC: - Stats increase by doing PMC raids - Skills increase by doing PMC raids - Hydration/food - Increase out of raid - Post-raid levels are persisted to profile - Raid stat tracking - Raid count - Survived count - KIA count - MIA count - AWOL count - Kills count ## Bots - Emulated bots: - assault (scav) - bossBully (Reshalla) - bossGluhar - bossKilla - bossKnight - bossKojainy (Shturman) - bossSanitar - bossTagilla - curedAssault - exUsec (Rogue) - followerBigPipe - Grenade launcher - followerBirdEye - followerBully - followerGluharAssault - followerGluharScout - followerGluharSecurity - followerGluharSnipe - followerKojaniy - followerSanitar - gifter - ~~Gives gifts~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - marksman - pmcBot (raider) - sectantPriest (Cultist) - sectantWarrior (Cultist) - Gear - Semi-randomised gear chosen with weighting system - Randomised durability of gear - Ammo - Ammo weighting system - Loot - Semi-randomised loot - Item type spawn limit system - Per-map AI types ## PMCs - Simulated PMC players - Custom weapons - Semi-randomly generated with weighting system - Semi-randomly chosen ammo with weighting system - Custom gear - Semi-randomly generated with weighting system - Custom headgear - Randomised attachments with percentage based chance to appear - Face shields - Flashlights - Dogtags - Random level - Random name - Voices - Bear/usec voices for each faction - Item blacklist/whitelist - Item - Highly configurable in config ## Inventory - Move/split/delete stacks - Tags (add/modify/remove) - Armor/weapon kit item repair - ~~Auto-sort~~ (SEMI-BROKEN - MOVES ITEMS OUT OF VISIBLE INVENTORY SPACE) - Out of raid healing - Out of raid eating - Special slots (compass etc) ## Traders - Buy/Sell - Listed items are refreshed every hour - purchase limits per refresh period - Track sold rouble count - Loyalty levels - Build reputation - Item repair - Calculate randomised durability level based on item type/values - Alternate clothing from Ragman - Buy/unlock new clothing - Insurance - chance for items to be returned - higher chance for more expensive trader - Chance parts will be stripped from returned weapons - Fence - Lists random items for sale - Emulated system of 'churn' for items sold by fence - every 4 minutes 20% of fences' items are replaced - Configurable through config ## Flea market - Buy and sell items - Prices pulled from live data - Listing tax fee - Offer filtering - Offer search - Filter by item - Linked search - Simulated player offers - Generated with random names/ratings/expiry times - Variable prices based on live price (20% above/below) - Weapon presets as offers - Bartering offers - Listed currency - Rouble - Euro - Dollar - Rating - Increase flea rating by selling items - Decrease flea rating by failing to sell items - Will be purchased by simulated players - Greater chance listed item will be purchased the lower it is listed for - Adjust flea prices that are massively below trader buy price - Receive purchased item through mail from seller - Sorting by - Rating - Price - Name - Configurable using config ## Quests - ~~Accurate quest list~~ INCOMPLETE (85% complete) - Trader quests - Accept/Complete - Daily Quests - Simulated system of daily quests - Replace daily quest - Replace quest with new one - Charged fee - ~~Scav daily quests~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - Types - Elimination - Exit location - Find - Trader item unlocks through completion of quests - Receive mail from traders after accepting/completing/failing a quest - Item rewards given through mail ## Hideout - Areas supported - Air filter - Air filter degradation speed calculation - Skill levelling boost + 40% - Bitcoin farm - Coin generation speed calculation - Booze generator - Create moonshine - Generator - Fuel usage calculation - Heating - Energy regen rate - Negative effects removal rate x2 - Illumination - Intel centre - ~~Unlocks scav tasks from fence~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - ~~Reduces insurance return time by 20%~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - Quest money reward boost - Lavatory - Library - Medstation - Nutrition unit - Rest space - Scav case - Custom reward system - Configurable in config - Security - Shooting range - Solar power - Stash - Gives bonus storage space - Vents - Water collector - Workbench - Christmas tree - Item crafting - Found in raid on completion - Crafts when server not running ## Weapon building - Create weapon presets - Saving of presets ## Raids - Supported maps - Customs - Factory day - Factory night - Reserve - Woods - Lighthouse - Laboratory - Shoreline - Loot - Generated from over 40,000 loot runs on live, spawn chances calculated from all runs to give fairly accurate depiction of live loot. - Static loot (containers) - Each container type can contain items appropriate to that type - Loose loot - Randomised loose items found on map - Airdrops - Randomised chance of spawning - ~~Fires flares~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - ~~Drops 1 of 3 randomised loot crate types~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - Drops lootable crate in: - Customs - Reserve - Woods - Lighthouse - Shoreline - Can be adjusted by config file - Raid damage - Exiting a raid with injury to player character will be persisted out of raid - Post-raid therapist healing ## Messages - Receive from traders - Pin/unpin senders - Accept all attachments - Accept individual mail attachment ## Modding - Extensive system that allows for the modification of nearly any aspect of SPT - Example mods covering a good slice of modding capabilities ## Misc - Profiles - Standard/Left Behind/Prepare To Escape/Edge Of Darkness - Custom profiles - SPT Easy start - Lots of roubles / some skills / high level - SPT Zero to hero - No roubles, skills, trader rep or items - Note system - Add - Edit - Delete - Extensive config system - Alter how SPT works - Holiday themes in hideout on appropriate days - ~~Halloween~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED - ~~Christmas~~ NOT IMPLEMENTED ## Code - TypeScript - Majority of custom EFT classes passed from client to server have been mapped - Unit Tests - Supports tests - Dependency injection - Config files accessible from `Aki_Data\Server\configs`