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import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { DialogueHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { QuestConditionHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/QuestConditionHelper";
import { QuestHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/QuestHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IQuestStatus } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { AvailableForConditions, IQuest, Reward } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IQuest";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { IAcceptQuestRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/quests/IAcceptQuestRequestData";
import { ICompleteQuestRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/quests/ICompleteQuestRequestData";
import { IFailQuestRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/quests/IFailQuestRequestData";
import { IHandoverQuestRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/quests/IHandoverQuestRequestData";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { MessageType } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/MessageType";
import { QuestStatus } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/QuestStatus";
import { SeasonalEventType } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/SeasonalEventType";
import { IQuestConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IQuestConfig";
import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { EventOutputHolder } from "@spt-aki/routers/EventOutputHolder";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocaleService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocaleService";
import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService";
import { MailSendService } from "@spt-aki/services/MailSendService";
import { PlayerService } from "@spt-aki/services/PlayerService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "@spt-aki/services/SeasonalEventService";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil";
export class QuestController
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
@inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil,
@inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil,
@inject("HttpResponseUtil") protected httpResponseUtil: HttpResponseUtil,
@inject("EventOutputHolder") protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder,
@inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer,
@inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper,
@inject("DialogueHelper") protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper,
@inject("MailSendService") protected mailSendService: MailSendService,
@inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper,
@inject("TraderHelper") protected traderHelper: TraderHelper,
@inject("QuestHelper") protected questHelper: QuestHelper,
@inject("QuestConditionHelper") protected questConditionHelper: QuestConditionHelper,
@inject("PlayerService") protected playerService: PlayerService,
@inject("LocaleService") protected localeService: LocaleService,
@inject("SeasonalEventService") protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService,
@inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer
this.questConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.QUEST);
* Handle client/quest/list
* Get all quests visible to player
* Exclude quests with incomplete preconditions (level/loyalty)
* @param sessionID session id
* @returns array of IQuest
public getClientQuests(sessionID: string): IQuest[]
const questsToShowPlayer: IQuest[] = [];
const allQuests = this.questHelper.getQuestsFromDb();
const profile: IPmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionID);
for (const quest of allQuests)
// Player already accepted the quest, show it regardless of status
const questInProfile = profile.Quests.find(x => x.qid === quest._id);
if (questInProfile)
quest.sptStatus = questInProfile.status;
// Filter out bear quests for usec and vice versa
if (this.questIsForOtherSide(profile.Info.Side, quest._id))
if (!this.showEventQuestToPlayer(quest._id))
// Don't add quests that have a level higher than the user's
if (!this.playerLevelFulfillsQuestRequirement(quest, profile.Info.Level))
const questRequirements = this.questConditionHelper.getQuestConditions(quest.conditions.AvailableForStart);
const loyaltyRequirements = this.questConditionHelper.getLoyaltyConditions(quest.conditions.AvailableForStart);
const standingRequirements = this.questConditionHelper.getStandingConditions(quest.conditions.AvailableForStart);
// Quest has no conditions, standing or loyalty conditions, add to visible quest list
if (questRequirements.length === 0 && loyaltyRequirements.length === 0 && standingRequirements.length === 0)
quest.sptStatus = QuestStatus.AvailableForStart;
// Check the status of each quest condition, if any are not completed
// then this quest should not be visible
let haveCompletedPreviousQuest = true;
for (const conditionToFulfil of questRequirements)
// If the previous quest isn't in the user profile, it hasn't been completed or started
const prerequisiteQuest = profile.Quests.find(pq => pq.qid === conditionToFulfil._props.target);
if (!prerequisiteQuest)
haveCompletedPreviousQuest = false;
// Prereq does not have its status requirement fulfilled
if (!conditionToFulfil._props.status.includes(prerequisiteQuest.status))
haveCompletedPreviousQuest = false;
// Has a wait timer
if (conditionToFulfil._props.availableAfter > 0)
// Compare current time to unlock time for previous quest
const previousQuestCompleteTime = prerequisiteQuest.statusTimers[prerequisiteQuest.status];
const unlockTime = previousQuestCompleteTime + conditionToFulfil._props.availableAfter;
if (unlockTime > this.timeUtil.getTimestamp())
this.logger.debug(`Quest ${quest.QuestName} is locked for another ${unlockTime - this.timeUtil.getTimestamp()} seconds`);
// Previous quest not completed, skip
if (!haveCompletedPreviousQuest)
let passesLoyaltyRequirements = true;
for (const condition of loyaltyRequirements)
if (!this.questHelper.traderLoyaltyLevelRequirementCheck(condition._props, profile))
passesLoyaltyRequirements = false;
let passesStandingRequirements = true;
for (const condition of standingRequirements)
if (!this.questHelper.traderStandingRequirementCheck(condition._props, profile))
passesStandingRequirements = false;
if (haveCompletedPreviousQuest && passesLoyaltyRequirements && passesStandingRequirements)
quest.sptStatus = QuestStatus.AvailableForStart;
return questsToShowPlayer;
* Does a provided quest have a level requirement equal to or below defined level
* @param quest Quest to check
* @param playerLevel level of player to test against quest
* @returns true if quest can be seen/accepted by player of defined level
protected playerLevelFulfillsQuestRequirement(quest: IQuest, playerLevel: number): boolean
const levelConditions = this.questConditionHelper.getLevelConditions(quest.conditions.AvailableForStart);
if (levelConditions.length)
for (const levelCondition of levelConditions)
if (!this.questHelper.doesPlayerLevelFulfilCondition(playerLevel, levelCondition))
// Not valid, exit out
return false;
// All conditions passed / has no level requirement, valid
return true;
* Should a quest be shown to the player in trader quest screen
* @param questId Quest to check
* @returns true = show to player
protected showEventQuestToPlayer(questId: string): boolean
const isChristmasEventActive = this.seasonalEventService.christmasEventEnabled();
const isHalloweenEventActive = this.seasonalEventService.halloweenEventEnabled();
// Not christmas + quest is for christmas
if (!isChristmasEventActive && this.seasonalEventService.isQuestRelatedToEvent(questId, SeasonalEventType.CHRISTMAS))
return false;
// Not halloween + quest is for halloween
if (!isHalloweenEventActive && this.seasonalEventService.isQuestRelatedToEvent(questId, SeasonalEventType.HALLOWEEN))
return false;
// Should non-season event quests be shown to player
if (!this.questConfig.showNonSeasonalEventQuests && this.seasonalEventService.isQuestRelatedToEvent(questId, SeasonalEventType.NONE))
return false;
return true;
* Is the quest for the opposite side the player is on
* @param playerSide Player side (usec/bear)
* @param questId QuestId to check
protected questIsForOtherSide(playerSide: string, questId: string): boolean
const isUsec = playerSide.toLowerCase() === "usec";
if (isUsec && this.questConfig.bearOnlyQuests.includes(questId))
// player is usec and quest is bear only, skip
return true;
if (!isUsec && this.questConfig.usecOnlyQuests.includes(questId))
// player is bear and quest is usec only, skip
return true;
return false;
* Handle QuestAccept event
* Handle the client accepting a quest and starting it
* Send starting rewards if any to player and
* Send start notification if any to player
* @param pmcData Profile to update
* @param acceptedQuest Quest accepted
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns client response
public acceptQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, acceptedQuest: IAcceptQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse
const acceptQuestResponse = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionID);
const startedState = QuestStatus.Started;
const newQuest = this.questHelper.getQuestReadyForProfile(pmcData, startedState, acceptedQuest);
// Does quest exist in profile
if (pmcData.Quests.find(x => x.qid === acceptedQuest.qid))
// Update existing
this.questHelper.updateQuestState(pmcData, QuestStatus.Started, acceptedQuest.qid);
// Add new quest to server profile
// Create a dialog message for starting the quest.
// Note that for starting quests, the correct locale field is "description", not "startedMessageText".
const questFromDb = this.questHelper.getQuestFromDb(acceptedQuest.qid, pmcData);
// Get messageId of text to send to player as text message in game
const messageId = this.questHelper.getMessageIdForQuestStart(questFromDb.startedMessageText, questFromDb.description);
const startedQuestRewards = this.questHelper.applyQuestReward(pmcData, acceptedQuest.qid, QuestStatus.Started, sessionID, acceptQuestResponse);
acceptQuestResponse.profileChanges[sessionID].quests = this.questHelper.getNewlyAccessibleQuestsWhenStartingQuest(acceptedQuest.qid, sessionID);
return acceptQuestResponse;
* Handle the client accepting a repeatable quest and starting it
* Send starting rewards if any to player and
* Send start notification if any to player
* @param pmcData Profile to update with new quest
* @param acceptedQuest Quest being accepted
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
public acceptRepeatableQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, acceptedQuest: IAcceptQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse
const acceptQuestResponse = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionID);
const desiredQuestState = QuestStatus.Started;
const newQuest = this.questHelper.getQuestReadyForProfile(pmcData, desiredQuestState, acceptedQuest);
const repeatableQuestProfile = this.getRepeatableQuestFromProfile(pmcData, acceptedQuest);
if (!repeatableQuestProfile)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests", acceptedQuest.qid));
throw new Error(this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_see_log"));
// Some scav quests need to be added to scav profile for them to show up in-raid
if (repeatableQuestProfile.side === "Scav" && ["PickUp", "Exploration", "Elimination"].includes(repeatableQuestProfile.type))
const fullProfile = this.profileHelper.getFullProfile(sessionID);
if (!fullProfile.characters.scav.Quests)
fullProfile.characters.scav.Quests = [];
const locale = this.localeService.getLocaleDb();
const questStartedMessageKey = this.questHelper.getMessageIdForQuestStart(repeatableQuestProfile.startedMessageText, repeatableQuestProfile.description);
// Can be started text or description text based on above function result
let questStartedMessageText = locale[questStartedMessageKey];
// TODO: remove this whole if statement, possibly not required?
if (!questStartedMessageText)
this.logger.debug(`Unable to accept quest ${acceptedQuest.qid}, cannot find the quest started message text with id ${questStartedMessageKey}. attempting to find it in en locale instead`);
// For some reason non-en locales dont have repeatable quest ids, fall back to en and grab it if possible
const enLocale = this.databaseServer.getTables().locales.global["en"];
questStartedMessageText = enLocale[repeatableQuestProfile.startedMessageText];
if (!questStartedMessageText)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_starting_message_not_found", {questId: acceptedQuest.qid, messageId: questStartedMessageKey}));
return this.httpResponseUtil.appendErrorToOutput(acceptQuestResponse, this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_see_log"));
const questRewards = this.questHelper.getQuestRewardItems(<IQuest><unknown>repeatableQuestProfile, desiredQuestState);
const repeatableSettings = pmcData.RepeatableQuests.find(x => x.name === repeatableQuestProfile.sptRepatableGroupName);
const change = {};
change[repeatableQuestProfile._id] = repeatableSettings.changeRequirement[repeatableQuestProfile._id];
const responseData: IPmcDataRepeatableQuest = {
id: repeatableSettings.id ?? this.questConfig.repeatableQuests.find(x => x.name === repeatableQuestProfile.sptRepatableGroupName).id,
name: repeatableSettings.name,
endTime: repeatableSettings.endTime,
changeRequirement: change,
activeQuests: [repeatableQuestProfile],
inactiveQuests: []
acceptQuestResponse.profileChanges[sessionID].repeatableQuests = [responseData];
return acceptQuestResponse;
* Look for an accepted quest inside player profile, return matching
* @param pmcData Profile to search through
* @param acceptedQuest Quest to search for
* @returns IRepeatableQuest
protected getRepeatableQuestFromProfile(pmcData: IPmcData, acceptedQuest: IAcceptQuestRequestData): IRepeatableQuest
for (const repeatableQuest of pmcData.RepeatableQuests)
const matchingQuest = repeatableQuest.activeQuests.find(x => x._id === acceptedQuest.qid);
if (matchingQuest)
this.logger.debug(`Accepted repeatable quest ${acceptedQuest.qid} from ${repeatableQuest.name}`);
matchingQuest.sptRepatableGroupName = repeatableQuest.name;
return matchingQuest;
return undefined;
* Handle QuestComplete event
* Update completed quest in profile
* Add newly unlocked quests to profile
* Also recalculate their level due to exp rewards
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @param body Completed quest request
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns ItemEvent client response
public completeQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, body: ICompleteQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse
const completeQuestResponse = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionID);
const completedQuest = this.questHelper.getQuestFromDb(body.qid, pmcData);
const preCompleteProfileQuests = this.jsonUtil.clone(pmcData.Quests);
const completedQuestId = body.qid;
const beforeQuests = this.jsonUtil.clone(this.getClientQuests(sessionID)); // Must be gathered prior to applyQuestReward() & failQuests()
const newQuestState = QuestStatus.Success;
this.questHelper.updateQuestState(pmcData, newQuestState, completedQuestId);
const questRewards = this.questHelper.applyQuestReward(pmcData, body.qid, newQuestState, sessionID, completeQuestResponse);
// Check for linked failed + unrestartable quests
const questsToFail = this.getQuestsFailedByCompletingQuest(completedQuestId);
if (questsToFail?.length > 0)
this.failQuests(sessionID, pmcData, questsToFail, completeQuestResponse);
// Show modal on player screen
this.sendSuccessDialogMessageOnQuestComplete(sessionID, pmcData, completedQuestId, questRewards);
// Add diff of quests before completion vs after for client response
const questDelta = this.questHelper.getDeltaQuests(beforeQuests, this.getClientQuests(sessionID));
// Check newly available + failed quests for timegates and add them to profile
this.addTimeLockedQuestsToProfile(pmcData, [...questDelta, ...questsToFail], body.qid);
// Inform client of quest changes
completeQuestResponse.profileChanges[sessionID].quests = questDelta;
// Check if it's a repeatable quest. If so, remove from Quests and repeatable.activeQuests list + move to repeatable.inactiveQuests
for (const currentRepeatable of pmcData.RepeatableQuests)
const repeatableQuest = currentRepeatable.activeQuests.find(x => x._id === completedQuestId);
if (repeatableQuest)
currentRepeatable.activeQuests = currentRepeatable.activeQuests.filter(x => x._id !== completedQuestId);
// Need to remove redundant scav quest object as its no longer necessary, is tracked in pmc profile
this.removeQuestFromScavProfile(sessionID, repeatableQuest._id);
// Hydrate client response questsStatus array with data
const questStatusChanges = this.getQuestsWithDifferentStatuses(preCompleteProfileQuests, pmcData.Quests);
if (questStatusChanges)
// Recalculate level in event player leveled up
pmcData.Info.Level = this.playerService.calculateLevel(pmcData);
return completeQuestResponse;
* Remove a quest entirely from a profile
* @param sessionId Player id
* @param questIdToRemove Qid of quest to remove
protected removeQuestFromScavProfile(sessionId: string, questIdToRemove: string): void
const fullProfile = this.profileHelper.getFullProfile(sessionId);
const repeatableInScavProfile = fullProfile.characters.scav.Quests?.find(x => x.qid === questIdToRemove);
if (!repeatableInScavProfile)
this.logger.warning(`Unable to remove quest: ${questIdToRemove} from profile as scav quest cannot be found`);
fullProfile.characters.scav.Quests.splice(fullProfile.characters.scav.Quests.indexOf(repeatableInScavProfile), 1);
* Return quests that have different statuses
* @param preQuestStatusus Quests before
* @param postQuestStatuses Quests after
* @returns QuestStatusChange array
protected getQuestsWithDifferentStatuses(preQuestStatusus: IQuestStatus[], postQuestStatuses: IQuestStatus[]): IQuestStatus[]
const result: IQuestStatus[] = [];
for (const quest of postQuestStatuses)
// Add quest if status differs or quest not found
const preQuest = preQuestStatusus.find(x => x.qid === quest.qid);
if (!preQuest || preQuest.status !== quest.status)
if (result.length === 0)
return null;
return result;
* Send a popup to player on successful completion of a quest
* @param sessionID session id
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @param completedQuestId Completed quest id
* @param questRewards Rewards given to player
protected sendSuccessDialogMessageOnQuestComplete(sessionID: string, pmcData: IPmcData, completedQuestId: string, questRewards: Reward[]): void
const quest = this.questHelper.getQuestFromDb(completedQuestId, pmcData);
* Look for newly available quests after completing a quest with a requirement to wait x minutes (time-locked) before being available and add data to profile
* @param pmcData Player profile to update
* @param quests Quests to look for wait conditions in
* @param completedQuestId Quest just completed
protected addTimeLockedQuestsToProfile(pmcData: IPmcData, quests: IQuest[], completedQuestId: string): void
// Iterate over quests, look for quests with right criteria
for (const quest of quests)
// If quest has prereq of completed quest + availableAfter value > 0 (quest has wait time)
const nextQuestWaitCondition = quest.conditions.AvailableForStart.find(x => x._props.target === completedQuestId && x._props.availableAfter > 0);
if (nextQuestWaitCondition)
// Now + wait time
const availableAfterTimestamp = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() + nextQuestWaitCondition._props.availableAfter;
// Update quest in profile with status of AvailableAfter
const existingQuestInProfile = pmcData.Quests.find(x => x.qid === quest._id);
if (existingQuestInProfile)
existingQuestInProfile.availableAfter = availableAfterTimestamp;
existingQuestInProfile.status = QuestStatus.AvailableAfter;
existingQuestInProfile.startTime = 0;
existingQuestInProfile.statusTimers = {};
qid: quest._id,
startTime: 0,
status: QuestStatus.AvailableAfter,
statusTimers: {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
"9": this.timeUtil.getTimestamp()
availableAfter: availableAfterTimestamp
* Returns a list of quests that should be failed when a quest is completed
* @param completedQuestId quest completed id
* @returns array of quests
protected getQuestsFailedByCompletingQuest(completedQuestId: string): IQuest[]
const questsInDb = this.questHelper.getQuestsFromDb();
return questsInDb.filter((x) =>
// No fail conditions, exit early
if (!x.conditions.Fail || x.conditions.Fail.length === 0)
return false;
return x.conditions.Fail.some(y => y._props.target === completedQuestId);
* Fail the provided quests
* Update quest in profile, otherwise add fresh quest object with failed status
* @param sessionID session id
* @param pmcData player profile
* @param questsToFail quests to fail
* @param output Client output
protected failQuests(sessionID: string, pmcData: IPmcData, questsToFail: IQuest[], output: IItemEventRouterResponse): void
for (const questToFail of questsToFail)
// Skip failing a quest that has a fail status of something other than success
if (questToFail.conditions.Fail?.some(x => x._props.status?.some(y => y !== QuestStatus.Success)))
const isActiveQuestInPlayerProfile = pmcData.Quests.find(y => y.qid === questToFail._id);
if (isActiveQuestInPlayerProfile)
const failBody: IFailQuestRequestData = {
Action: "QuestComplete",
qid: questToFail._id,
removeExcessItems: true
this.questHelper.failQuest(pmcData, failBody, sessionID, output);
const statusTimers = {};
statusTimers[QuestStatus.Fail] = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp();
const questData: IQuestStatus = {
qid: questToFail._id,
startTime: this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(),
statusTimers: statusTimers,
status: QuestStatus.Fail
* Handle QuestHandover event
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @param handoverQuestRequest handover item request
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
public handoverQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, handoverQuestRequest: IHandoverQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse
const quest = this.questHelper.getQuestFromDb(handoverQuestRequest.qid, pmcData);
const handoverQuestTypes = ["HandoverItem", "WeaponAssembly"];
const output = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionID);
let isItemHandoverQuest = true;
let handedInCount = 0;
// Decrement number of items handed in
let handoverRequirements: AvailableForConditions;
for (const condition of quest.conditions.AvailableForFinish)
if (condition._props.id === handoverQuestRequest.conditionId && handoverQuestTypes.includes(condition._parent))
handedInCount = Number.parseInt(<string>condition._props.value);
isItemHandoverQuest = condition._parent === handoverQuestTypes[0];
handoverRequirements = condition;
const profileCounter = (handoverQuestRequest.conditionId in pmcData.BackendCounters)
? pmcData.BackendCounters[handoverQuestRequest.conditionId].value
: 0;
handedInCount -= profileCounter;
if (handedInCount <= 0)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_already_satisfied", {questId: handoverQuestRequest.qid, conditionId: handoverQuestRequest.conditionId, profileCounter: profileCounter, value: handedInCount}));
return output;
if (isItemHandoverQuest && handedInCount === 0)
return this.showRepeatableQuestInvalidConditionError(handoverQuestRequest, output);
let totalItemCountToRemove = 0;
for (const itemHandover of handoverQuestRequest.items)
const matchingItemInProfile = pmcData.Inventory.items.find(x => x._id === itemHandover.id);
if (!handoverRequirements._props.target.includes(matchingItemInProfile._tpl))
// Item handed in by player doesnt match what was requested
return this.showQuestItemHandoverMatchError(handoverQuestRequest, matchingItemInProfile, handoverRequirements, output);
// Remove the right quantity of given items
const itemCountToRemove = Math.min(itemHandover.count, handedInCount - totalItemCountToRemove);
totalItemCountToRemove += itemCountToRemove;
if (itemHandover.count - itemCountToRemove > 0)
// Remove single item with no children
this.questHelper.changeItemStack(pmcData, itemHandover.id, itemHandover.count - itemCountToRemove, sessionID, output);
if (totalItemCountToRemove === handedInCount)
// Remove item with children
const toRemove = this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByItems(pmcData.Inventory.items, itemHandover.id);
let index = pmcData.Inventory.items.length;
// Important: don't tell the client to remove the attachments, it will handle it
output.profileChanges[sessionID].items.del.push({ "_id": itemHandover.id });
// Important: loop backward when removing items from the array we're looping on
while (index-- > 0)
if (toRemove.includes(pmcData.Inventory.items[index]._id))
pmcData.Inventory.items.splice(index, 1);
this.updateProfileBackendCounterValue(pmcData, handoverQuestRequest.conditionId, handoverQuestRequest.qid, totalItemCountToRemove);
return output;
* Show warning to user and write to log that repeatable quest failed a condition check
* @param handoverQuestRequest Quest request
* @param output Response to send to user
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
protected showRepeatableQuestInvalidConditionError(handoverQuestRequest: IHandoverQuestRequestData, output: IItemEventRouterResponse): IItemEventRouterResponse
const errorMessage = this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_invalid", { questId: handoverQuestRequest.qid, conditionId: handoverQuestRequest.conditionId });
return this.httpResponseUtil.appendErrorToOutput(output, errorMessage);
* Show warning to user and write to log quest item handed over did not match what is required
* @param handoverQuestRequest Quest request
* @param itemHandedOver Non-matching item found
* @param handoverRequirements Quest handover requirements
* @param output Response to send to user
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
protected showQuestItemHandoverMatchError(handoverQuestRequest: IHandoverQuestRequestData, itemHandedOver: Item, handoverRequirements: AvailableForConditions, output: IItemEventRouterResponse): IItemEventRouterResponse
const errorMessage = this.localisationService.getText("quest-handover_wrong_item", { questId: handoverQuestRequest.qid, handedInTpl: itemHandedOver._tpl, requiredTpl: handoverRequirements._props.target[0] });
return this.httpResponseUtil.appendErrorToOutput(output, errorMessage);
* Increment a backend counter stored value by an amount,
* Create counter if it does not exist
* @param pmcData Profile to find backend counter in
* @param conditionId backend counter id to update
* @param questId quest id counter is associated with
* @param counterValue value to increment the backend counter with
protected updateProfileBackendCounterValue(pmcData: IPmcData, conditionId: string, questId: string, counterValue: number): void
if (pmcData.BackendCounters[conditionId] !== undefined)
pmcData.BackendCounters[conditionId].value += counterValue;
pmcData.BackendCounters[conditionId] = {
"id": conditionId,
"qid": questId,
"value": counterValue };
} |