mirror of https://github.com/sp-tarkov/server.git synced 2025-02-13 06:30:43 -05:00
Refringe 85a227e7d5
Updates 🚀
- Created profileInsurance test fixture.
- Created ProfileInsurance test factory class.
- Improved many of the InsuranceController method tests by utilizing the factory and fixture. Still some left to do here.
- Adds the `date-fns` package as a development dependancy for easy date manipulation.
- Cleaned up some comments.

Bug Fixes 🐞
- Resolved an issue where `ItemHelper.getAttachmentMainParent()` was not returning null when it should have.
- Resolved an issue where `InsuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap()` would continue to process when the parent could not be found.
2023-11-02 01:47:28 -04:00

1084 lines
46 KiB

import "reflect-metadata";
import { container } from "tsyringe";
import { vi, afterEach, describe, expect, it, beforeEach } from "vitest";
import { InsuranceController } from "@spt-aki/controllers/InsuranceController";
import { ProfileInsuranceFactory } from "@tests/__factories__/ProfileInsurance.factory";
import { MessageType } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/MessageType";
import { TraderHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/TraderHelper";
import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { Insurance } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper";
describe("InsuranceController", () =>
let insuranceController: any; // Using "any" to access private/protected methods without type errors.
let insuranceFixture: Insurance[];
beforeEach(() =>
// (Re)resolve the test target.
insuranceController = container.resolve<InsuranceController>("InsuranceController");
// Reset the insurance fixture before each test.
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
afterEach(() =>
// Restore all mocks to their original implementations.
describe("processReturn", () =>
it("should process return for all profiles", () =>
const session1 = "session1";
const session2 = "session2";
const profiles = {
[session1]: {},
[session2]: {}
const getProfilesSpy = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.saveServer, "getProfiles").mockReturnValue(profiles);
const processReturnByProfileSpy = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processReturnByProfile").mockReturnValue(vi.fn());
// Execute the method.
// Should make a call to get all of the profiles.
// Should process each returned profile.
it("should not attempt to process profiles if no profiles exist", () =>
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.saveServer, "getProfiles").mockReturnValue({});
const processReturnByProfileSpy = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processReturnByProfile").mockImplementation(vi.fn());
// Execute the method.
// Should not process any profiles.
describe("findItemsToDelete", () =>
it("should handle an empty insurance package", () =>
const insurancePackage = insuranceFixture[0];
insurancePackage.items = [];
const result = insuranceController.findItemsToDelete(insurancePackage);
it("should handle regular items", () =>
// Remove attachment items from the fixture.
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().removeAttachmentItems().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const numberOfItems = insured.items.length;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockPopulateItemsMap = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "populateItemsMap");
const mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "populateParentAttachmentsMap");
const mockIsAttachmentAttached = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.itemHelper, "isAttachmentAttached");
const mockProcessAttachments = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processAttachments").mockImplementation(vi.fn());
// Add all items to the toDelete set. Not realistic, but it's fine for this test.
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi.fn((insured, toDelete) =>
insured.items.forEach(item => toDelete.add(item._id));
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processRegularItems").mockImplementation(mockProcessRegularItems);
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.findItemsToDelete(insured);
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
expect(mockIsAttachmentAttached).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(numberOfItems + 1); // Once for each item, plus once more
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect(result).toEqual(new Set(insured.items.map(item => item._id)));
it("should ignore orphaned attachments", () =>
// Remove regular items from the fixture, creating orphaned attachments.
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().removeRegularItems().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
// Mock helper methods.
const mockPopulateItemsMap = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "populateItemsMap");
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processRegularItems");
const mockProcessAttachments = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processAttachments");
// Since no parent attachments exist, the map should be empty.
const mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap = vi.fn(() =>
return new Map<string, Item[]>();
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "populateParentAttachmentsMap").mockImplementation(mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap);
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.findItemsToDelete(insured);
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect(result).toEqual(new Set());
it("should handle a mix of regular items and attachments", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const numberOfItems = insured.items.length;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockPopulateItemsMap = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "populateItemsMap");
const mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "populateParentAttachmentsMap");
// Add all items to the toDelete set. Not realistic, but it's fine for this test.
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi.fn((insured, toDelete) =>
insured.items.forEach(item => toDelete.add(item._id));
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processRegularItems").mockImplementation(mockProcessRegularItems);
const mockProcessAttachments = vi.fn((parentAttachmentsMap, itemsMap, traderId, toDelete) =>
insured.items.forEach(item => toDelete.add(item._id));
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processAttachments").mockImplementation(mockProcessAttachments);
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.findItemsToDelete(insured);
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect(result).toEqual(new Set(insured.items.map(item => item._id)));
it("should return an empty set if no items are to be deleted", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
// Mock helper methods.
const mockPopulateItemsMap = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "populateItemsMap");
const mockPopulateParentAttachmentsMap = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "populateParentAttachmentsMap");
// Don't add any items to the toDelete set.
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processRegularItems").mockImplementation(vi.fn());
const mockProcessAttachments = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processAttachments").mockImplementation(vi.fn());
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.findItemsToDelete(insured);
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
// Verify that the result is correct.
expect(result).toEqual(new Set());
it("should log the number of items to be deleted", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const numberOfItems = insured.items.length;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockLoggerDebug = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.logger, "debug");
// Add all items to the toDelete set. Not realistic, but it's fine for this test.
const mockProcessRegularItems = vi.fn((insured, toDelete) =>
insured.items.forEach(item => toDelete.add(item._id));
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processRegularItems").mockImplementation(mockProcessRegularItems);
const mockProcessAttachments = vi.fn((parentAttachmentsMap, itemsMap, traderId, toDelete) =>
insured.items.forEach(item => toDelete.add(item._id));
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processAttachments").mockImplementation(mockProcessAttachments);
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.findItemsToDelete(insured);
// Verify that the result is the correct size, and the size is logged.
expect(mockLoggerDebug).toBeCalledWith(`Marked ${numberOfItems} items for deletion from insurance.`);
describe("populateParentAttachmentsMap", () =>
it("should correctly map gun to all of its attachments", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
expect(result.size).toBe(6); // There are 6 base-level items in this insurance package.
const gun = result.get("911a0f04d5d9c7e239807ae0");
expect(gun.length).toBe(7); // This AK has 7 attachments.
// The attachments should be mapped to the AK properly...
const validAttachmentTemplates = [
validAttachmentTemplates.forEach(value =>
// Verify that each template is present in the array of attachments.
expect(gun.some(item => item._id === value)).toBe(true);
it("should ignore gun accessories that cannot be modified in-raid", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
expect(result.size).toBe(6); // There are 6 base-level items in this insurance package.
const gun = result.get("911a0f04d5d9c7e239807ae0");
expect(gun.length).toBe(7); // This AK has 7 valid attachments.
// These are attachments for the AK, but they are not raid moddable, so they should not be mapped.
const invalidAttachmentTemplates = [
invalidAttachmentTemplates.forEach(value =>
expect(gun.every(item => item._id !== value)).toBe(true);
it("should correctly map helmet to all of its attachments", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
expect(result.size).toBe(6); // There are 6 base-level items in this insurance package.
const gun = result.get("3679078e05f5b14466d6a730");
expect(gun.length).toBe(5); // This LShZ-2DTM has 5 valid attachments.
// The attachments should be mapped to the AK properly...
const validAttachmentTemplates = [
validAttachmentTemplates.forEach(value =>
// Verify that each template is present in the array of attachments.
expect(gun.some(item => item._id === value)).toBe(true);
it("should correctly map gun to all of its attachments when gun is within a container", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
expect(result.size).toBe(6); // There are 6 base-level items in this insurance package.
const gun = result.get("351180f3248d45c71cb2ebdc");
expect(insured.items.find(item => item._id === "351180f3248d45c71cb2ebdc").slotId).toBe("main");
expect(gun.length).toBe(14); // This AS VAL has 14 valid attachments.
it("should not map items that do not have a main-parent", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().removeRegularItems().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
// Suppress warnings.
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.logger, "warning").mockImplementation(vi.fn());
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
// Verify that the map is populated correctly.
it("should log a warning when an item does not have a main-parent", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().removeRegularItems().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
// Generate the items map.
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
// Suppress warnings.
const mockLoggerWarning = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.logger, "warning").mockImplementation(vi.fn());
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
// Verify that the warning was logged.
describe("processRegularItems", () =>
it("should process regular items and their non-attachment children", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().removeAttachmentItems().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const numberOfItems = insured.items.length;
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
// Mock helper methods.
const mockIsAttachmentAttached = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.itemHelper, "isAttachmentAttached");
const mockFindAndReturnChildrenAsItems = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.itemHelper, "findAndReturnChildrenAsItems");
// Mock rollForDelete to return true for all items. Not realistic, but it's fine for this test.
const mockRollForDelete = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "rollForDelete").mockReturnValue(true);
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.processRegularItems(insured, toDelete);
// Verify that the correct methods were called.
// Verify that all items were added to the toDelete set.
expect(toDelete).toEqual(new Set(insured.items.map(item => item._id)));
it("should not roll attached attachments", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
// Mock helper methods.
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.itemHelper, "findAndReturnChildrenAsItems");
// Mock isAttachmentAttached to return true for all items.
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.itemHelper, "isAttachmentAttached").mockReturnValue(true);
// Mock rollForDelete to return true for all items.
const mockRollForDelete = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "rollForDelete").mockReturnValue(true);
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.processRegularItems(insured, toDelete);
// Verify that a roll was not made for any items.
// Verify that no items were added to the toDelete set.
expect(toDelete).toEqual(new Set());
it("should mark attachments for deletion when parent is marked for deletion", () =>
const itemHelper = container.resolve<ItemHelper>("ItemHelper");
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
// Mock rollForDelete to return true for all base-parent items.
const mockRollForDelete = vi.fn((traderId, insuredItem) =>
return !itemHelper.isAttachmentAttached(insuredItem);
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "rollForDelete").mockImplementation(mockRollForDelete);
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.processRegularItems(insured, toDelete);
// Verify that all items were added to the toDelete set.
expect(toDelete).toEqual(new Set(insured.items.map(item => item._id)));
describe("processAttachments", () =>
it("should iterate over each parent item", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
// Mock helper methods.
const mockProcessAttachmentByParent = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "processAttachmentByParent");
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.processAttachments(parentToAttachmentMap, itemsMap, insured.traderId, toDelete);
// Verify
it("should log the name of each parent item", () =>
const itemHelper = container.resolve<ItemHelper>("ItemHelper");
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
// Mock helper methods.
const mockLoggerDebug = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.logger, "debug");
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.processAttachments(parentToAttachmentMap, itemsMap, insured.traderId, toDelete);
// Verify that the name of each parent item is logged.
for (const [parentId] of parentToAttachmentMap)
const parentItem = itemsMap.get(parentId);
if (parentItem)
const expectedMessage = `Processing attachments for parent item: ${itemHelper.getItemName(parentItem._tpl)}`;
describe("processAttachmentByParent", () =>
it("should handle sorting, rolling, and deleting attachments by calling helper methods", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap.entries().next().value;
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
// Mock helper methods.
const mockSortAttachmentsByPrice = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "sortAttachmentsByPrice");
const mockCountSuccessfulRolls = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "countSuccessfulRolls").mockReturnValue(4);
const mockAttachmentDeletionByValue = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "attachmentDeletionByValue");
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.processAttachmentByParent(attachments, insured.traderId, toDelete);
// Verify that helper methods are called.
it("should log attachment details and number of successful rolls", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap.values().next().value;
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
const successfulRolls = 4;
// Mock helper methods.
const mockLogAttachmentsDetails = vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "logAttachmentsDetails");
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "countSuccessfulRolls").mockReturnValue(successfulRolls);
const mockLoggerDebug = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.logger, "debug").mockImplementation(vi.fn());
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.processAttachmentByParent(attachments, insured.traderId, toDelete);
// Verify that the logs were called/written.
expect(mockLoggerDebug).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Number of successful rolls: ${successfulRolls}`);
describe("sortAttachmentsByPrice", () =>
it("should sort the attachments array by maxPrice in descending order", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap.values().next().value;
// Execute the method.
const sortedAttachments = insuranceController.sortAttachmentsByPrice(attachments);
// Verify the length of the sorted attachments array
// Verify that the attachments are sorted by maxPrice in descending order
for (let i = 1; i < sortedAttachments.length; i++)
expect(sortedAttachments[i - 1].maxPrice).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(sortedAttachments[i].maxPrice);
it("should place attachments with null maxPrice at the bottom of the sorted list", () =>
insuranceFixture = new ProfileInsuranceFactory().adjustPackageDates().get();
const insured = insuranceFixture[0];
const itemsMap = insuranceController.populateItemsMap(insured);
const parentToAttachmentMap = insuranceController.populateParentAttachmentsMap(insured, itemsMap);
const attachments = parentToAttachmentMap.values().next().value;
// Set the maxPrice of the first two attachments to null.
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.itemHelper, "getItemMaxPrice").mockReturnValueOnce(null).mockReturnValueOnce(null);
// Execute the method.
const sortedAttachments = insuranceController.sortAttachmentsByPrice(attachments);
// Verify that the attachments with null maxPrice are at the bottom of the list
const nullPriceAttachments = sortedAttachments.slice(-2);
nullPriceAttachments.forEach(attachment =>
// Verify that the rest of the attachments are sorted by maxPrice in descending order
for (let i = 1; i < sortedAttachments.length - 2; i++)
expect(sortedAttachments[i - 1].maxPrice).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(sortedAttachments[i].maxPrice);
describe("logAttachmentsDetails", () =>
it("should log details for each attachment", () =>
const attachments = [
{ _id: "item1", name: "Item 1", maxPrice: 100 },
{ _id: "item2", name: "Item 2", maxPrice: 200 }
// Mock the logger.debug function.
const loggerDebugSpy = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.logger, "debug").mockImplementation(() =>
// Execute the method.
// Verify that logger.debug was called correctly.
expect(loggerDebugSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, "Child Item - Name: Item 1, Max Price: 100");
expect(loggerDebugSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, "Child Item - Name: Item 2, Max Price: 200");
describe("countSuccessfulRolls", () =>
it("should count the number of successful rolls based on the rollForDelete method", () =>
const attachments = [
{ _id: "attach1", name: "Attachment 1" },
{ _id: "attach2", name: "Attachment 2" },
{ _id: "attach3", name: "Attachment 3" }
const traderId = "some-trader-id";
// Create a deterministic sequence of "random" values for the test.
const randomSequence = [0.6, 0.4, 0.6]; // Two rolls > 0.5 and one roll < 0.5
let i = 0;
const originalRandom = Math.random;
Math.random = vi.fn(() => randomSequence[i++]);
// Mock rollForDelete to return based on our "random" values.
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "rollForDelete").mockImplementation((id) =>
return id === traderId && Math.random() > 0.5;
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.countSuccessfulRolls(attachments, traderId);
// Verify that two successful rolls were counted (first and third items).
// Restore the original Math.random function.
Math.random = originalRandom;
it("should return zero if there are no successful rolls", () =>
const attachments = [
{ _id: "attach1", name: "Attachment 1" }
const traderId = "some-trader-id";
// Mock rollForDelete to always return false.
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "rollForDelete").mockReturnValue(false);
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.countSuccessfulRolls(attachments, traderId);
// Verify that zero successful rolls were returned.
it("should return zero if there are no attachments", () =>
const attachments = [];
const traderId = "some-trader-id";
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.countSuccessfulRolls(attachments, traderId);
// Verify that zero successful rolls were returned.
describe("attachmentDeletionByValue", () =>
it("should add attachments to the toDelete set based on successfulRolls", () =>
const attachments = [
{ _id: "attach1", name: "Attachment 1", maxPrice: 300 },
{ _id: "attach2", name: "Attachment 2", maxPrice: 200 },
{ _id: "attach3", name: "Attachment 3", maxPrice: 100 }
const successfulRolls = 2;
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
const loggerDebugSpy = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.logger, "debug").mockImplementation(() =>
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.attachmentDeletionByValue(attachments, successfulRolls, toDelete);
// Should add the first two valuable attachments to the toDelete set.
expect(toDelete).toEqual(new Set(["attach1", "attach2"]));
// Verify that logger.debug was called twice.
it("should not add any attachments to toDelete if successfulRolls is zero", () =>
const attachments = [
{ _id: "attach1", name: "Attachment 1", maxPrice: 100 }
const successfulRolls = 0;
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.attachmentDeletionByValue(attachments, successfulRolls, toDelete);
// Verify that no attachments are added to the toDelete set.
expect(toDelete).toEqual(new Set([]));
it("should add all attachments to toDelete if successfulRolls is greater than the number of attachments", () =>
const attachments = [
{ _id: "attach1", name: "Attachment 1", maxPrice: 100 },
{ _id: "attach2", name: "Attachment 2", maxPrice: 200 }
const successfulRolls = 3;
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.attachmentDeletionByValue(attachments, successfulRolls, toDelete);
// Verify that all attachments are added to the toDelete set.
expect(toDelete).toEqual(new Set(["attach1", "attach2"]));
describe("removeItemsFromInsurance", () =>
it("should remove items from insurance based on the toDelete set", () =>
const insured = {
items: [
{ _id: "item1" },
{ _id: "item2" },
{ _id: "item3" }
const toDelete = new Set<string>(["item1", "item3"]);
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.removeItemsFromInsurance(insured, toDelete);
// Verify that items with _id "item1" and "item3" are removed
expect(insured.items).toEqual([{ _id: "item2" }]);
it("should not remove any items if toDelete set is empty", () =>
const insured = {
items: [
{ _id: "item1" },
{ _id: "item2" },
{ _id: "item3" }
const toDelete = new Set<string>();
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.removeItemsFromInsurance(insured, toDelete);
// Verify that no items are removed.
{ _id: "item1" },
{ _id: "item2" },
{ _id: "item3" }
it("should leave the insurance items empty if all are to be deleted", () =>
const insured = {
items: [
{ _id: "item1" },
{ _id: "item2" }
const toDelete = new Set<string>(["item1", "item2"]);
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.removeItemsFromInsurance(insured, toDelete);
// Verify that all items are removed.
describe("adoptOrphanedItems", () =>
it("should adopt orphaned items by resetting them as base-level items", () =>
const insured = {
items: [
{ _id: "1", parentId: "999", slotId: "main" }, // This is orphaned.
{ _id: "2", parentId: "1", slotId: "main" }
const hideoutParentId = "hideout-parent";
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "fetchHideoutItemParent").mockReturnValue(hideoutParentId);
// Execute the method.
// Verify that the item with _id "1" has been adopted.
it("should not adopt items that are not orphaned", () =>
const insured = {
items: [
{ _id: "1", parentId: "999", slotId: "main" },
{ _id: "2", parentId: "1", slotId: "main" } // This is not orphaned.
const hideoutParentId = "hideout-parent";
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "fetchHideoutItemParent").mockReturnValue(hideoutParentId);
// Execute the method.
// Verify that the item with _id "2" has not been adopted.
it("should remove location data from adopted items", () =>
const insured = {
items: [
{ _id: "1", parentId: "999", slotId: "main", location: "location-value" }, // This is orphaned.
{ _id: "2", parentId: "1", slotId: "main", location: "location-value" }
const hideoutParentId = "hideout-parent";
vi.spyOn(insuranceController, "fetchHideoutItemParent").mockReturnValue(hideoutParentId);
// Execute the method.
// Verify that the item with _id "1" has no location data.
expect(insured.items[0]).not.toHaveProperty("location", "location-value");
describe("fetchHideoutItemParent", () =>
it("should return the parentId of the hideout item if it exists", () =>
const hideoutId = "hideout_id";
const items = [
{ id: "1", slotId: "hideout", parentId: hideoutId },
{ id: "2", slotId: "main", parentId: "not_hideout_id" }
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.fetchHideoutItemParent(items);
// Verify that the hideout item parentId is returned.
it("should return an empty string if the hideout item does not exist", () =>
const items = [
{ id: "1", slotId: "mod_suppressor", parentId: "not_hideout_id" },
{ id: "2", slotId: "main", parentId: "not_hideout_id" }
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.fetchHideoutItemParent(items);
// Verify that an empty string is returned.
describe("sendMail", () =>
it("should send insurance failed message when no items are present", () =>
const traderHelper = container.resolve<TraderHelper>("TraderHelper");
const sessionID = "someSessionId";
const insuranceFailedTpl = "failed-message-template";
const insurance = {
traderId: "54cb57776803fa99248b456e", // Therapist
messageContent: {
templateId: null,
maxStorageTime: 100,
systemData: {}
items: []
// Mock the randomUtil to return a static failed template string.
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.randomUtil, "getArrayValue").mockReturnValue(insuranceFailedTpl);
// Don't actually send the message.
const sendLocalisedNpcMessageToPlayerSpy = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.mailSendService, "sendLocalisedNpcMessageToPlayer").mockImplementation(() =>
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.sendMail(sessionID, insurance);
// Verify that the insurance failed message was sent.
it("should not send insurance failed message when items are present", () =>
const traderHelper = container.resolve<TraderHelper>("TraderHelper");
const sessionID = "someSessionId";
const itemMessageTpl = "item-message-template";
const insuranceFailedTpl = "failed-message-template";
const insurance = {
traderId: "54cb57776803fa99248b456e", // Therapist
messageContent: {
templateId: itemMessageTpl,
maxStorageTime: 100,
systemData: {}
items: ["item1", "item2"]
// Mock the randomUtil to return a static failed template string.
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.randomUtil, "getArrayValue").mockReturnValue(insuranceFailedTpl);
// Don't actually send the message.
const sendLocalisedNpcMessageToPlayerSpy = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.mailSendService, "sendLocalisedNpcMessageToPlayer").mockImplementation(() =>
// Execute the method.
insuranceController.sendMail(sessionID, insurance);
// Verify that the insurance failed message was not sent.
describe("rollForDelete", () =>
it("should return true when random roll is equal to trader return chance", () =>
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.randomUtil, "getInt").mockReturnValue(8500); // Our "random" roll.
const traderId = "54cb57776803fa99248b456e"; // Therapist (85% return chance)
insuranceController.insuranceConfig = {
returnChancePercent: {
[traderId]: 85 // Force 85% return chance
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.rollForDelete(traderId);
// Verify that the result is true.
it("should return true when random roll is greater than trader return chance", () =>
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.randomUtil, "getInt").mockReturnValue(8501); // Our "random" roll.
const traderId = "54cb57776803fa99248b456e"; // Therapist (85% return chance)
insuranceController.insuranceConfig = {
returnChancePercent: {
[traderId]: 85 // Force 85% return chance
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.rollForDelete(traderId);
// Verify that the result is true.
it("should return false when random roll is less than trader return chance", () =>
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.randomUtil, "getInt").mockReturnValue(8499); // Our "random" roll.
const traderId = "54cb57776803fa99248b456e"; // Therapist (85% return chance)
insuranceController.insuranceConfig = {
returnChancePercent: {
[traderId]: 85 // Force 85% return chance
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.rollForDelete(traderId);
// Verify that the result is false.
it("should log error if trader can not be found", () =>
const traderId = "invalid-trader-id";
const loggerErrorSpy = vi.spyOn(insuranceController.logger, "error").mockImplementation(() =>
// Execute the method.
// Verify that the logger.error method was called.
it("should return null if trader can not be found", () =>
const traderId = "invalid-trader-id";
vi.spyOn(insuranceController.logger, "error").mockImplementation(() =>
// Execute the method.
const result = insuranceController.rollForDelete(traderId);
// Verify that the result is null.