mirror of https://github.com/sp-tarkov/server.git synced 2025-02-13 09:50:43 -05:00
Dev ed92c6802c Refactor oh how bot equipment items are generated.
Now uses blacklist data from bot.json when picking equipment mods
Equipment gen now passes same BotData object as weapon mod gen
Pass botEquipmentRole via request object instead of calculating it every item slot
Fixed `getFilteredDynamicModsForItem()` being hard coded to use first blacklist object  regardless of which one matched the bot level
2024-10-08 20:14:43 +01:00

1519 lines
64 KiB

import { request } from "node:http";
import { BotGeneratorHelper } from "@spt/helpers/BotGeneratorHelper";
import { BotHelper } from "@spt/helpers/BotHelper";
import { BotWeaponGeneratorHelper } from "@spt/helpers/BotWeaponGeneratorHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "@spt/helpers/PresetHelper";
import { ProbabilityHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ProbabilityHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "@spt/helpers/WeightedRandomHelper";
import { IPreset } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IGlobals";
import { IMods, IModsChances } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { IItem } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ISlot, ITemplateItem } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { BaseClasses } from "@spt/models/enums/BaseClasses";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { ModSpawn } from "@spt/models/enums/ModSpawn";
import { IChooseRandomCompatibleModResult } from "@spt/models/spt/bots/IChooseRandomCompatibleModResult";
import {
} from "@spt/models/spt/bots/IFilterPlateModsForSlotByLevelResult";
import { IGenerateEquipmentProperties } from "@spt/models/spt/bots/IGenerateEquipmentProperties";
import { IGenerateWeaponRequest } from "@spt/models/spt/bots/IGenerateWeaponRequest";
import { IModToSpawnRequest } from "@spt/models/spt/bots/IModToSpawnRequest";
import { EquipmentFilterDetails, EquipmentFilters, IBotConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ExhaustableArray } from "@spt/models/spt/server/ExhaustableArray";
import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "@spt/services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { BotEquipmentModPoolService } from "@spt/services/BotEquipmentModPoolService";
import { BotWeaponModLimitService } from "@spt/services/BotWeaponModLimitService";
import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService";
import { ItemFilterService } from "@spt/services/ItemFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "@spt/services/LocalisationService";
import { HashUtil } from "@spt/utils/HashUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "@spt/utils/RandomUtil";
import { ICloner } from "@spt/utils/cloners/ICloner";
import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
export class BotEquipmentModGenerator {
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
@inject("PrimaryLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil,
@inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil,
@inject("ProbabilityHelper") protected probabilityHelper: ProbabilityHelper,
@inject("DatabaseService") protected databaseService: DatabaseService,
@inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper,
@inject("BotEquipmentFilterService") protected botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService,
@inject("ItemFilterService") protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService,
@inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper,
@inject("BotWeaponModLimitService") protected botWeaponModLimitService: BotWeaponModLimitService,
@inject("BotHelper") protected botHelper: BotHelper,
@inject("BotGeneratorHelper") protected botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper,
@inject("BotWeaponGeneratorHelper") protected botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper,
@inject("WeightedRandomHelper") protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper,
@inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper,
@inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService,
@inject("BotEquipmentModPoolService") protected botEquipmentModPoolService: BotEquipmentModPoolService,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer,
@inject("PrimaryCloner") protected cloner: ICloner,
) {
this.botConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.BOT);
* Check mods are compatible and add to array
* @param equipment Equipment item to add mods to
* @param modPool Mod list to choose frm
* @param parentId parentid of item to add mod to
* @param parentTemplate Template object of item to add mods to
* @param specificBlacklist The relevant blacklist from bot.json equipment dictionary
* @param forceSpawn should this mod be forced to spawn
* @returns Item + compatible mods as an array
public generateModsForEquipment(
equipment: IItem[],
parentId: string,
parentTemplate: ITemplateItem,
settings: IGenerateEquipmentProperties,
specificBlacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails,
shouldForceSpawn = false,
): IItem[] {
let forceSpawn = shouldForceSpawn;
// Get mod pool for the desired item
const compatibleModsPool = settings.modPool[parentTemplate._id];
if (!compatibleModsPool) {
`bot: ${settings.botData.role} lacks a mod slot pool for item: ${parentTemplate._id} ${parentTemplate._name}`,
// Iterate over mod pool and choose mods to add to item
for (const modSlotName in compatibleModsPool) {
// Get the templates slot object from db
const itemSlotTemplate = this.getModItemSlotFromDb(modSlotName, parentTemplate);
if (!itemSlotTemplate) {
this.localisationService.getText("bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item", {
modSlot: modSlotName,
parentId: parentTemplate._id,
parentName: parentTemplate._name,
botRole: settings.botData.role,
const modSpawnResult = this.shouldModBeSpawned(
// Rolled to skip mod and it shouldnt be force-spawned
if (modSpawnResult === ModSpawn.SKIP && !forceSpawn) {
// Ensure submods for nvgs all spawn together
if (modSlotName === "mod_nvg") {
forceSpawn = true;
// Get pool of items we can add for this slot
let modPoolToChooseFrom = compatibleModsPool[modSlotName];
// Filter the pool of items in blacklist
const filteredModPool = this.filterModsByBlacklist(modPoolToChooseFrom, specificBlacklist, modSlotName);
if (filteredModPool.length > 0) {
// use filtered pool as it has items in it
modPoolToChooseFrom = filteredModPool;
// Slot can hold armor plates + we are filtering possible items by bot level, handle
if (
settings.botEquipmentConfig.filterPlatesByLevel &&
) {
const plateSlotFilteringOutcome = this.filterPlateModsForSlotByLevel(
if ([Result.UNKNOWN_FAILURE, Result.NO_DEFAULT_FILTER].includes(plateSlotFilteringOutcome.result)) {
`Plate slot: ${modSlotName} selection for armor: ${parentTemplate._id} failed: ${
}, skipping`,
if ([Result.LACKS_PLATE_WEIGHTS].includes(plateSlotFilteringOutcome.result)) {
`Plate slot: ${modSlotName} lacks weights for armor: ${parentTemplate._id}, unable to adjust plate choice, using existing data`,
// Replace mod pool with pool of chosen plate items
modPoolToChooseFrom = plateSlotFilteringOutcome.plateModTpls;
// Choose random mod from pool and check its compatibility
let modTpl: string | undefined;
let found = false;
const exhaustableModPool = this.createExhaustableArray(modPoolToChooseFrom);
while (exhaustableModPool.hasValues()) {
modTpl = exhaustableModPool.getRandomValue();
if (
modTpl &&
!this.botGeneratorHelper.isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems(equipment, modTpl, modSlotName)
) {
found = true;
// Compatible item not found but slot REQUIRES item, get random item from db
if (!found && itemSlotTemplate._required) {
modTpl = this.getRandomModTplFromItemDb(modTpl, itemSlotTemplate, modSlotName, equipment);
found = !!modTpl;
// Compatible item not found + not required - skip
if (!(found || itemSlotTemplate._required)) {
// Get chosen mods db template and check it fits into slot
const modTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(modTpl);
if (
) {
// Generate new id to ensure all items are unique on bot
const modId = this.hashUtil.generate();
this.createModItem(modId, modTpl, parentId, modSlotName, modTemplate[1], settings.botData.role),
// Does item being added exist in mod pool - has its own mod pool
if (Object.keys(settings.modPool).includes(modTpl)) {
// Call self again with mod being added as item to add child mods to
return equipment;
* Filter a bots plate pool based on its current level
* @param settings Bot equipment generation settings
* @param modSlot Armor slot being filtered
* @param existingPlateTplPool Plates tpls to choose from
* @param armorItem The armor items db template
* @returns Array of plate tpls to choose from
protected filterPlateModsForSlotByLevel(
settings: IGenerateEquipmentProperties,
modSlot: string,
existingPlateTplPool: string[],
armorItem: ITemplateItem,
): IFilterPlateModsForSlotByLevelResult {
const result: IFilterPlateModsForSlotByLevelResult = {
result: Result.UNKNOWN_FAILURE,
plateModTpls: undefined,
// Not pmc or not a plate slot, return original mod pool array
if (!this.itemHelper.isRemovablePlateSlot(modSlot)) {
result.result = Result.NOT_PLATE_HOLDING_SLOT;
result.plateModTpls = existingPlateTplPool;
return result;
// Get the front/back/side weights based on bots level
const plateSlotWeights = settings.botEquipmentConfig?.armorPlateWeighting?.find(
(armorWeight) =>
settings.botData.level >= armorWeight.levelRange.min &&
settings.botData.level <= armorWeight.levelRange.max,
if (!plateSlotWeights) {
// No weights, return original array of plate tpls
result.result = Result.LACKS_PLATE_WEIGHTS;
result.plateModTpls = existingPlateTplPool;
return result;
// Get the specific plate slot weights (front/back/side)
const plateWeights: Record<string, number> = plateSlotWeights[modSlot];
if (!plateWeights) {
// No weights, return original array of plate tpls
result.result = Result.LACKS_PLATE_WEIGHTS;
result.plateModTpls = existingPlateTplPool;
return result;
// Choose a plate level based on weighting
const chosenArmorPlateLevel = this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue<string>(plateWeights);
// Convert the array of ids into database items
const platesFromDb = existingPlateTplPool.map((plateTpl) => this.itemHelper.getItem(plateTpl)[1]);
// Filter plates to the chosen level based on its armorClass property
const platesOfDesiredLevel = platesFromDb.filter((item) => item._props.armorClass === chosenArmorPlateLevel);
if (platesOfDesiredLevel.length === 0) {
`Plate filter was too restrictive for armor: ${armorItem._name} ${armorItem._id}, unable to find plates of level: ${chosenArmorPlateLevel}. Using mod items default plate`,
const relatedItemDbModSlot = armorItem._props.Slots.find((slot) => slot._name.toLowerCase() === modSlot);
const defaultPlate = relatedItemDbModSlot._props.filters[0].Plate;
if (!defaultPlate) {
// No relevant plate found after filtering AND no default plate
// Last attempt, get default preset and see if it has a plate default
const defaultPreset = this.presetHelper.getDefaultPreset(armorItem._id);
if (defaultPreset) {
const relatedPresetSlot = defaultPreset._items.find(
(item) => item.slotId?.toLowerCase() === modSlot,
if (relatedPresetSlot) {
result.result = Result.SUCCESS;
result.plateModTpls = [relatedPresetSlot._tpl];
return result;
result.result = Result.NO_DEFAULT_FILTER;
return result;
result.result = Result.SUCCESS;
result.plateModTpls = [defaultPlate];
return result;
// Only return the items ids
result.result = Result.SUCCESS;
result.plateModTpls = platesOfDesiredLevel.map((item) => item._id);
return result;
* Add mods to a weapon using the provided mod pool
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param request Data used to generate the weapon
* @returns Weapon + mods array
public generateModsForWeapon(sessionId: string, request: IGenerateWeaponRequest): IItem[] {
const pmcProfile = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionId);
// Get pool of mods that fit weapon
const compatibleModsPool = request.modPool[request.parentTemplate._id];
if (
request.parentTemplate._props.Slots.length ||
request.parentTemplate._props.Cartridges?.length ||
) {
this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot", {
weaponName: request.parentTemplate._name,
weaponId: request.parentTemplate._id,
botRole: request.botData.role,
return request.weapon;
const botEquipConfig = this.botConfig.equipment[request.botData.equipmentRole];
const botEquipBlacklist = this.botEquipmentFilterService.getBotEquipmentBlacklist(
const botWeaponSightWhitelist = this.botEquipmentFilterService.getBotWeaponSightWhitelist(
const randomisationSettings = this.botHelper.getBotRandomizationDetails(request.botData.level, botEquipConfig);
// Iterate over mod pool and choose mods to attach
const sortedModKeys = this.sortModKeys(Object.keys(compatibleModsPool));
for (const modSlot of sortedModKeys) {
// Check weapon has slot for mod to fit in
const modsParentSlot = this.getModItemSlotFromDb(modSlot, request.parentTemplate);
if (!modsParentSlot) {
this.localisationService.getText("bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot", {
modSlot: modSlot,
weaponId: request.parentTemplate._id,
weaponName: request.parentTemplate._name,
botRole: request.botData.role,
// Check spawn chance of mod
const modSpawnResult = this.shouldModBeSpawned(
if (modSpawnResult === ModSpawn.SKIP) {
const isRandomisableSlot = randomisationSettings?.randomisedWeaponModSlots?.includes(modSlot) ?? false;
const modToSpawnRequest: IModToSpawnRequest = {
modSlot: modSlot,
isRandomisableSlot: isRandomisableSlot,
botWeaponSightWhitelist: botWeaponSightWhitelist,
botEquipBlacklist: botEquipBlacklist,
itemModPool: compatibleModsPool,
weapon: request.weapon,
ammoTpl: request.ammoTpl,
parentTemplate: request.parentTemplate,
modSpawnResult: modSpawnResult,
weaponStats: request.weaponStats,
conflictingItemTpls: request.conflictingItemTpls,
botData: request.botData,
const modToAdd = this.chooseModToPutIntoSlot(modToSpawnRequest);
// Compatible mod not found
if (!modToAdd || typeof modToAdd === "undefined") {
if (
!this.isModValidForSlot(modToAdd, modsParentSlot, modSlot, request.parentTemplate, request.botData.role)
) {
const modToAddTemplate = modToAdd[1];
// Skip adding mod to weapon if type limit reached
if (
) {
// If item is a mount for scopes, set scope chance to 100%, this helps fix empty mounts appearing on weapons
if (this.modSlotCanHoldScope(modSlot, modToAddTemplate._parent)) {
// mod_mount was picked to be added to weapon, force scope chance to ensure its filled
const scopeSlots = ["mod_scope", "mod_scope_000", "mod_scope_001", "mod_scope_002", "mod_scope_003"];
this.adjustSlotSpawnChances(request.modSpawnChances, scopeSlots, 100);
// Hydrate pool of mods that fit into mount as its a randomisable slot
if (isRandomisableSlot) {
// Add scope mods to modPool dictionary to ensure the mount has a scope in the pool to pick
// If picked item is muzzle adapter that can hold a child, adjust spawn chance
if (this.modSlotCanHoldMuzzleDevices(modSlot, modToAddTemplate._parent)) {
const muzzleSlots = ["mod_muzzle", "mod_muzzle_000", "mod_muzzle_001"];
// Make chance of muzzle devices 95%, nearly certain but not guaranteed
this.adjustSlotSpawnChances(request.modSpawnChances, muzzleSlots, 95);
// If front/rear sight are to be added, set opposite to 100% chance
if (this.modIsFrontOrRearSight(modSlot, modToAddTemplate._id)) {
request.modSpawnChances.mod_sight_front = 100;
request.modSpawnChances.mod_sight_rear = 100;
// Handguard mod can take a sub handguard mod + weapon has no UBGL (takes same slot)
// Force spawn chance to be 100% to ensure it gets added
if (
modSlot === "mod_handguard" &&
modToAddTemplate._props.Slots.some((slot) => slot._name === "mod_handguard") &&
!request.weapon.some((item) => item.slotId === "mod_launcher")
) {
// Needed for handguards with lower
request.modSpawnChances.mod_handguard = 100;
// If stock mod can take a sub stock mod, force spawn chance to be 100% to ensure sub-stock gets added
// Or if bot has stock force enabled
if (this.shouldForceSubStockSlots(modSlot, botEquipConfig, modToAddTemplate)) {
// Stock mod can take additional stocks, could be a locking device, force 100% chance
const subStockSlots = ["mod_stock", "mod_stock_000", "mod_stock_001", "mod_stock_akms"];
this.adjustSlotSpawnChances(request.modSpawnChances, subStockSlots, 100);
// Gather stats on mods being added to weapon
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(modToAddTemplate._id, BaseClasses.IRON_SIGHT)) {
if (modSlot === "mod_sight_front") {
request.weaponStats.hasFrontIronSight = true;
} else if (modSlot === "mod_sight_rear") {
request.weaponStats.hasRearIronSight = true;
} else if (
!request.weaponStats.hasOptic &&
this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(modToAddTemplate._id, BaseClasses.SIGHTS)
) {
request.weaponStats.hasOptic = true;
const modId = this.hashUtil.generate();
// Update conflicting item list now item has been chosen
for (const conflictingItem of modToAddTemplate._props.ConflictingItems) {
// I first thought we could use the recursive generateModsForItems as previously for cylinder magazines.
// However, the recursion doesn't go over the slots of the parent mod but over the modPool which is given by the bot config
// where we decided to keep cartridges instead of camoras. And since a CylinderMagazine only has one cartridge entry and
// this entry is not to be filled, we need a special handling for the CylinderMagazine
const modParentItem = this.itemHelper.getItem(modToAddTemplate._parent)[1];
if (this.botWeaponGeneratorHelper.magazineIsCylinderRelated(modParentItem._name)) {
// We don't have child mods, we need to create the camoras for the magazines instead
this.fillCamora(request.weapon, request.modPool, modId, modToAddTemplate);
} else {
let containsModInPool = Object.keys(request.modPool).includes(modToAddTemplate._id);
// Sometimes randomised slots are missing sub-mods, if so, get values from mod pool service
// Check for a randomisable slot + without data in modPool + item being added as additional slots
if (isRandomisableSlot && !containsModInPool && modToAddTemplate._props.Slots.length > 0) {
const modFromService = this.botEquipmentModPoolService.getModsForWeaponSlot(modToAddTemplate._id);
if (Object.keys(modFromService ?? {}).length > 0) {
request.modPool[modToAddTemplate._id] = modFromService;
containsModInPool = true;
if (containsModInPool) {
const recursiveRequestData: IGenerateWeaponRequest = {
weapon: request.weapon,
modPool: request.modPool,
weaponId: modId,
parentTemplate: modToAddTemplate,
modSpawnChances: request.modSpawnChances,
ammoTpl: request.ammoTpl,
botData: {
role: request.botData.role,
level: request.botData.level,
equipmentRole: request.botData.equipmentRole,
modLimits: request.modLimits,
weaponStats: request.weaponStats,
conflictingItemTpls: request.conflictingItemTpls,
// Call self recursively to add mods to this mod
this.generateModsForWeapon(sessionId, recursiveRequestData);
return request.weapon;
* Should the provided bot have its stock chance values altered to 100%
* @param modSlot Slot to check
* @param botEquipConfig Bots equipment config/chance values
* @param modToAddTemplate Mod being added to bots weapon
* @returns True if it should
protected shouldForceSubStockSlots(
modSlot: string,
botEquipConfig: EquipmentFilters,
modToAddTemplate: ITemplateItem,
): boolean {
// Slots a weapon can store its stock in
const stockSlots = ["mod_stock", "mod_stock_000", "mod_stock_001", "mod_stock_akms"];
// Can the stock hold child items
const hasSubSlots = modToAddTemplate._props.Slots?.length > 0;
return (stockSlots.includes(modSlot) && hasSubSlots) || botEquipConfig.forceStock;
* Is this modslot a front or rear sight
* @param modSlot Slot to check
* @returns true if it's a front/rear sight
protected modIsFrontOrRearSight(modSlot: string, tpl: string): boolean {
// Gas block /w front sight is special case, deem it a 'front sight' too
if (modSlot === "mod_gas_block" && tpl === "5ae30e795acfc408fb139a0b") {
// M4A1 front sight with gas block
return true;
return ["mod_sight_front", "mod_sight_rear"].includes(modSlot);
* Does the provided mod details show the mod can hold a scope
* @param modSlot e.g. mod_scope, mod_mount
* @param modsParentId Parent id of mod item
* @returns true if it can hold a scope
protected modSlotCanHoldScope(modSlot: string, modsParentId: string): boolean {
return (
].includes(modSlot.toLowerCase()) && modsParentId === BaseClasses.MOUNT
* Set mod spawn chances to defined amount
* @param modSpawnChances Chance dictionary to update
protected adjustSlotSpawnChances(
modSpawnChances: IModsChances,
modSlotsToAdjust: string[],
newChancePercent: number,
): void {
if (!modSpawnChances) {
this.logger.warning("Unable to adjust scope spawn chances as spawn chance object is empty");
if (!modSlotsToAdjust) {
for (const modName of modSlotsToAdjust) {
modSpawnChances[modName] = newChancePercent;
* Does the provided modSlot allow muzzle-related items
* @param modSlot Slot id to check
* @param modsParentId OPTIONAL: parent id of modslot being checked
* @returns True if modSlot can have muzzle-related items
protected modSlotCanHoldMuzzleDevices(modSlot: string, modsParentId?: string): boolean {
return ["mod_muzzle", "mod_muzzle_000", "mod_muzzle_001"].includes(modSlot.toLowerCase());
* Sort mod slots into an ordering that maximises chance of a successful weapon generation
* @param unsortedSlotKeys Array of mod slot strings to sort
* @returns Sorted array
protected sortModKeys(unsortedSlotKeys: string[]): string[] {
// No need to sort with only 1 item in array
if (unsortedSlotKeys.length <= 1) {
return unsortedSlotKeys;
const sortedKeys: string[] = [];
const modRecieverKey = "mod_reciever";
const modMount001Key = "mod_mount_001";
const modGasBlockKey = "mod_gas_block";
const modPistolGrip = "mod_pistol_grip";
const modStockKey = "mod_stock";
const modBarrelKey = "mod_barrel";
const modHandguardKey = "mod_handguard";
const modMountKey = "mod_mount";
const modScopeKey = "mod_scope";
if (unsortedSlotKeys.includes(modHandguardKey)) {
unsortedSlotKeys.splice(unsortedSlotKeys.indexOf(modHandguardKey), 1);
if (unsortedSlotKeys.includes(modBarrelKey)) {
unsortedSlotKeys.splice(unsortedSlotKeys.indexOf(modBarrelKey), 1);
if (unsortedSlotKeys.includes(modMount001Key)) {
unsortedSlotKeys.splice(unsortedSlotKeys.indexOf(modMount001Key), 1);
if (unsortedSlotKeys.includes(modRecieverKey)) {
unsortedSlotKeys.splice(unsortedSlotKeys.indexOf(modRecieverKey), 1);
if (unsortedSlotKeys.includes(modPistolGrip)) {
unsortedSlotKeys.splice(unsortedSlotKeys.indexOf(modPistolGrip), 1);
if (unsortedSlotKeys.includes(modGasBlockKey)) {
unsortedSlotKeys.splice(unsortedSlotKeys.indexOf(modGasBlockKey), 1);
if (unsortedSlotKeys.includes(modStockKey)) {
unsortedSlotKeys.splice(unsortedSlotKeys.indexOf(modStockKey), 1);
if (unsortedSlotKeys.includes(modMountKey)) {
unsortedSlotKeys.splice(unsortedSlotKeys.indexOf(modMountKey), 1);
if (unsortedSlotKeys.includes(modScopeKey)) {
unsortedSlotKeys.splice(unsortedSlotKeys.indexOf(modScopeKey), 1);
return sortedKeys;
* Get a Slot property for an item (chamber/cartridge/slot)
* @param modSlot e.g patron_in_weapon
* @param parentTemplate item template
* @returns Slot item
protected getModItemSlotFromDb(modSlot: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem): ISlot {
const modSlotLower = modSlot.toLowerCase();
switch (modSlotLower) {
case "patron_in_weapon":
case "patron_in_weapon_000":
case "patron_in_weapon_001":
return parentTemplate._props.Chambers.find((chamber) => chamber._name.includes(modSlotLower));
case "cartridges":
return parentTemplate._props.Cartridges.find((c) => c._name.toLowerCase() === modSlotLower);
return parentTemplate._props.Slots.find((s) => s._name.toLowerCase() === modSlotLower);
* Randomly choose if a mod should be spawned, 100% for required mods OR mod is ammo slot
* @param itemSlot slot the item sits in from db
* @param modSlotName Name of slot the mod sits in
* @param modSpawnChances Chances for various mod spawns
* @param botEquipConfig Various config settings for generating this type of bot
* @returns ModSpawn.SPAWN when mod should be spawned, ModSpawn.DEFAULT_MOD when default mod should spawn, ModSpawn.SKIP when mod is skipped
protected shouldModBeSpawned(
itemSlot: ISlot,
modSlotName: string,
modSpawnChances: IModsChances,
botEquipConfig: EquipmentFilters,
): ModSpawn {
const slotRequired = itemSlot._required;
if (this.getAmmoContainers().includes(modSlotName)) {
// Always force mags/cartridges in weapon to spawn
return ModSpawn.SPAWN;
const spawnMod = this.probabilityHelper.rollChance(modSpawnChances[modSlotName]);
if (!spawnMod && (slotRequired || botEquipConfig.weaponSlotIdsToMakeRequired?.includes(modSlotName))) {
// Edge case: Mod is required but spawn chance roll failed, choose default mod spawn for slot
return ModSpawn.DEFAULT_MOD;
return spawnMod ? ModSpawn.SPAWN : ModSpawn.SKIP;
* Choose a mod to fit into the desired slot
* @param request Data used to choose an appropriate mod with
* @returns itemHelper.getItem() result
protected chooseModToPutIntoSlot(request: IModToSpawnRequest): [boolean, ITemplateItem] | undefined {
/** Slot mod will fill */
const parentSlot = request.parentTemplate._props.Slots?.find((i) => i._name === request.modSlot);
const weaponTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(request.weapon[0]._tpl)[1];
// It's ammo, use predefined ammo parameter
if (this.getAmmoContainers().includes(request.modSlot) && request.modSlot !== "mod_magazine") {
return this.itemHelper.getItem(request.ammoTpl);
// Ensure there's a pool of mods to pick from
let modPool = this.getModPoolForSlot(request, weaponTemplate);
if (!modPool && !parentSlot?._required) {
// Nothing in mod pool + item not required
`Mod pool for optional slot: ${request.modSlot} on item: ${request.parentTemplate._name} was empty, skipping mod`,
return undefined;
// Filter out non-whitelisted scopes, use full modpool if filtered pool would have no elements
if (request.modSlot.includes("mod_scope") && request.botWeaponSightWhitelist) {
// scope pool has more than one scope
if (modPool.length > 1) {
modPool = this.filterSightsByWeaponType(request.weapon[0], modPool, request.botWeaponSightWhitelist);
if (request.modSlot === "mod_gas_block") {
if (request.weaponStats.hasOptic && modPool.length > 1) {
// Attempt to limit modpool to low profile gas blocks when weapon has an optic
const onlyLowProfileGasBlocks = modPool.filter((tpl) =>
if (onlyLowProfileGasBlocks.length > 0) {
modPool = onlyLowProfileGasBlocks;
} else if (request.weaponStats.hasRearIronSight && modPool.length > 1) {
// Attempt to limit modpool to high profile gas blocks when weapon has rear iron sight + no front iron sight
const onlyHighProfileGasBlocks = modPool.filter(
(tpl) => !this.botConfig.lowProfileGasBlockTpls.includes(tpl),
if (onlyHighProfileGasBlocks.length > 0) {
modPool = onlyHighProfileGasBlocks;
// Pick random mod that's compatible
const chosenModResult = this.getCompatibleWeaponModTplForSlotFromPool(
if (chosenModResult.slotBlocked && !parentSlot._required) {
// Don't bother trying to fit mod, slot is completely blocked
return undefined;
// Log if mod chosen was incompatible
if (chosenModResult.incompatible && parentSlot._required) {
// Get random mod to attach from items db for required slots if none found above
if (!chosenModResult.found && parentSlot !== undefined && parentSlot._required) {
chosenModResult.chosenTpl = this.getRandomModTplFromItemDb("", parentSlot, request.modSlot, request.weapon);
chosenModResult.found = true;
// Compatible item not found + not required
if (!chosenModResult.found && parentSlot !== undefined && !parentSlot._required) {
return undefined;
if (!chosenModResult.found && parentSlot !== undefined) {
if (parentSlot._required) {
`Required slot unable to be filled, ${request.modSlot} on ${request.parentTemplate._name} ${request.parentTemplate._id} for weapon: ${request.weapon[0]._tpl}`,
return undefined;
return this.itemHelper.getItem(chosenModResult.chosenTpl);
* Choose a weapon mod tpl for a given slot from a pool of choices
* Checks chosen tpl is compatible with all existing weapon items
* @param modPool Pool of mods that can be picked from
* @param parentSlot Slot the picked mod will have as a parent
* @param choiceTypeEnum How should chosen tpl be treated: DEFAULT_MOD/SPAWN/SKIP
* @param weapon Array of weapon items chosen item will be added to
* @param modSlotName Name of slot picked mod will be placed into
* @returns Chosen weapon details
protected getCompatibleWeaponModTplForSlotFromPool(
request: IModToSpawnRequest,
modPool: string[],
parentSlot: ISlot,
choiceTypeEnum: ModSpawn,
weapon: IItem[],
modSlotName: string,
): IChooseRandomCompatibleModResult {
// Filter out incompatible mods from pool
let preFilteredModPool = this.getFilteredModPool(modPool, request.conflictingItemTpls);
if (preFilteredModPool.length === 0) {
return {
incompatible: true,
found: false,
reason: `Unable to add mod to ${ModSpawn[choiceTypeEnum]} slot: ${modSlotName}. All: ${modPool.length} had conflicts`,
// Filter mod pool to only items that appear in parents allowed list
preFilteredModPool = preFilteredModPool.filter((tpl) => parentSlot._props.filters[0].Filter.includes(tpl));
if (preFilteredModPool.length === 0) {
return { incompatible: true, found: false, reason: "No mods found in parents allowed list" };
return this.getCompatibleModFromPool(preFilteredModPool, choiceTypeEnum, weapon);
* @param modPool Pool of item Tpls to choose from
* @param modSpawnType How should the slot choice be handled - forced/normal etc
* @param weapon Weapon mods at current time
* @param modSlotName Name of mod slot being filled
* @returns IChooseRandomCompatibleModResult
protected getCompatibleModFromPool(
modPool: string[],
modSpawnType: ModSpawn,
weapon: IItem[],
): IChooseRandomCompatibleModResult {
// Create exhaustable pool to pick mod item from
const exhaustableModPool = this.createExhaustableArray(modPool);
// Create default response if no compatible item is found below
const chosenModResult: IChooseRandomCompatibleModResult = {
incompatible: true,
found: false,
reason: "unknown",
// Limit how many attempts to find a compatible mod can occur before giving up
const maxBlockedAttempts = Math.round(modPool.length * 0.75); // 75% of pool size
let blockedAttemptCount = 0;
let chosenTpl: string;
while (exhaustableModPool.hasValues()) {
chosenTpl = exhaustableModPool.getRandomValue();
const pickedItemDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(chosenTpl);
if (!pickedItemDetails[0]) {
// Not valid item, try again
if (!pickedItemDetails[1]._props) {
// no props data, try again
// Success - Default wanted + only 1 item in pool
if (modSpawnType === ModSpawn.DEFAULT_MOD && modPool.length === 1) {
chosenModResult.found = true;
chosenModResult.incompatible = false;
chosenModResult.chosenTpl = chosenTpl;
// Check if existing weapon mods are incompatible with chosen item
const existingItemBlockingChoice = weapon.find((item) =>
if (existingItemBlockingChoice) {
// Give max of x attempts of picking a mod if blocked by another
if (blockedAttemptCount > maxBlockedAttempts) {
blockedAttemptCount = 0; // reset
// Not compatible - Try again
// Edge case- Some mod combos will never work, make sure this isnt the case
if (this.weaponModComboIsIncompatible(weapon, chosenTpl)) {
chosenModResult.reason = `Chosen weapon mod: ${chosenTpl} can never be compatible with existing weapon mods`;
// Success
chosenModResult.found = true;
chosenModResult.incompatible = false;
chosenModResult.chosenTpl = chosenTpl;
return chosenModResult;
protected createExhaustableArray<T>(itemsToAddToArray: T[]) {
return new ExhaustableArray<T>(itemsToAddToArray, this.randomUtil, this.cloner);
* Get a list of mod tpls that are compatible with the current weapon
* @param modPool
* @param tplBlacklist Tpls that are incompatible and should not be used
* @returns string array of compatible mod tpls with weapon
protected getFilteredModPool(modPool: string[], tplBlacklist: Set<string>): string[] {
return modPool.filter((tpl) => !tplBlacklist.has(tpl));
* Filter mod pool down based on various criteria:
* Is slot flagged as randomisable
* Is slot required
* Is slot flagged as default mod only
* @param request
* @param weaponTemplate Mods root parent (weapon/equipment)
* @returns Array of mod tpls
protected getModPoolForSlot(request: IModToSpawnRequest, weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem): string[] {
// Mod is flagged as being default only, try and find it in globals
if (request.modSpawnResult === ModSpawn.DEFAULT_MOD) {
return this.getModPoolForDefaultSlot(request, weaponTemplate);
if (request.isRandomisableSlot) {
return this.getDynamicModPool(request.parentTemplate._id, request.modSlot, request.botEquipBlacklist);
// Required mod is not default or randomisable, use existing pool
return request.itemModPool[request.modSlot];
protected getModPoolForDefaultSlot(request: IModToSpawnRequest, weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem): string[] {
const { itemModPool, modSlot, parentTemplate, botData, conflictingItemTpls } = request;
const matchingModFromPreset = this.getMatchingModFromPreset(request, weaponTemplate);
if (!matchingModFromPreset) {
if (itemModPool[modSlot]?.length > 1) {
`${botData.role} No default: ${modSlot} mod found for: ${weaponTemplate._name}, using existing pool`,
// Couldnt find default in globals, use existing mod pool data
return itemModPool[modSlot];
// Only filter mods down to single default item if it already exists in existing itemModPool, OR the default item has no children
// Filtering mod pool to item that wasnt already there can have problems;
// You'd have a mod being picked without any sub-mods in its chain, possibly resulting in missing required mods not being added
// Mod is in existing mod pool
if (itemModPool[modSlot].includes(matchingModFromPreset._tpl)) {
// Found mod on preset + it already exists in mod pool
return [matchingModFromPreset._tpl];
// Get an array of items that are allowed in slot from parent item
// Check the filter of the slot to ensure a chosen mod fits
const parentSlotCompatibleItems = parentTemplate._props.Slots?.find(
(slot) => slot._name.toLowerCase() === modSlot.toLowerCase(),
// Mod isnt in existing pool, only add if it has no children and exists inside parent filter
if (
parentSlotCompatibleItems?.includes(matchingModFromPreset._tpl) &&
this.itemHelper.getItem(matchingModFromPreset._tpl)[1]._props.Slots?.length === 0
) {
// Chosen mod has no conflicts + no children + is in parent compat list
if (!conflictingItemTpls.has(matchingModFromPreset._tpl)) {
return [matchingModFromPreset._tpl];
// Above chosen mod had conflicts with existing weapon mods
`${botData.role} Chosen default: ${modSlot} mod found for: ${weaponTemplate._name} weapon conflicts with item on weapon, cannot use default`,
const existingModPool = itemModPool[modSlot];
if (existingModPool.length === 1) {
// The only item in pool isn't compatible
`${botData.role} ${modSlot} Mod pool for: ${weaponTemplate._name} weapon has only incompatible items, using parent list instead`,
// Last ditch, use full pool of items minus conflicts
const newListOfModsForSlot = parentSlotCompatibleItems.filter((tpl) => !conflictingItemTpls.has(tpl));
if (newListOfModsForSlot.length > 0) {
return newListOfModsForSlot;
// Return full mod pool
return itemModPool[modSlot];
// Tried everything, return mod pool
return itemModPool[modSlot];
protected getMatchingModFromPreset(request: IModToSpawnRequest, weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem) {
const matchingPreset = this.getMatchingPreset(weaponTemplate, request.parentTemplate._id);
return matchingPreset?._items.find((item) => item?.slotId?.toLowerCase() === request.modSlot.toLowerCase());
* Get default preset for weapon OR get specific weapon presets for edge cases (mp5/silenced dvl)
* @param weaponTemplate Weapons db template
* @param parentItemTpl Tpl of the parent item
* @returns Default preset found
protected getMatchingPreset(weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, parentItemTpl: string): IPreset | undefined {
// Edge case - using mp5sd reciever means default mp5 handguard doesnt fit
const isMp5sd = parentItemTpl === "5926f2e086f7745aae644231";
if (isMp5sd) {
return this.presetHelper.getPreset("59411abb86f77478f702b5d2");
// Edge case - dvl 500mm is the silenced barrel and has specific muzzle mods
const isDvl500mmSilencedBarrel = parentItemTpl === "5888945a2459774bf43ba385";
if (isDvl500mmSilencedBarrel) {
return this.presetHelper.getPreset("59e8d2b386f77445830dd299");
return this.presetHelper.getDefaultPreset(weaponTemplate._id);
* Temp fix to prevent certain combinations of weapons with mods that are known to be incompatible
* @param weapon Array of items that make up a weapon
* @param modTpl Mod to check compatibility with weapon
* @returns True if incompatible
protected weaponModComboIsIncompatible(weapon: IItem[], modTpl: string): boolean {
// STM-9 + AR-15 Lone Star Ion Lite handguard
if (weapon[0]._tpl === "60339954d62c9b14ed777c06" && modTpl === "5d4405f0a4b9361e6a4e6bd9") {
return true;
return false;
* Create a mod item with provided parameters as properties + add upd property
* @param modId _id
* @param modTpl _tpl
* @param parentId parentId
* @param modSlot slotId
* @param modTemplate Used to add additional properties in the upd object
* @param botRole The bots role mod is being created for
* @returns Item object
protected createModItem(
modId: string,
modTpl: string,
parentId: string,
modSlot: string,
modTemplate: ITemplateItem,
botRole: string,
): IItem {
return {
_id: modId,
_tpl: modTpl,
parentId: parentId,
slotId: modSlot,
...this.botGeneratorHelper.generateExtraPropertiesForItem(modTemplate, botRole),
* Get a list of containers that hold ammo
* e.g. mod_magazine / patron_in_weapon_000
* @returns string array
protected getAmmoContainers(): string[] {
return ["mod_magazine", "patron_in_weapon", "patron_in_weapon_000", "patron_in_weapon_001", "cartridges"];
* Get a random mod from an items compatible mods Filter array
* @param fallbackModTpl Default value to return if parentSlot Filter is empty
* @param parentSlot Item mod will go into, used to get compatible items
* @param modSlot Slot to get mod to fill
* @param items Items to ensure picked mod is compatible with
* @returns Item tpl
protected getRandomModTplFromItemDb(
fallbackModTpl: string,
parentSlot: ISlot,
modSlot: string,
items: IItem[],
): string | undefined {
// Find compatible mods and make an array of them
const allowedItems = parentSlot._props.filters[0].Filter;
// Find mod item that fits slot from sorted mod array
const exhaustableModPool = this.createExhaustableArray(allowedItems);
let tmpModTpl = fallbackModTpl;
while (exhaustableModPool.hasValues()) {
tmpModTpl = exhaustableModPool.getRandomValue();
if (!this.botGeneratorHelper.isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems(items, tmpModTpl, modSlot).incompatible) {
return tmpModTpl;
// No mod found
return undefined;
* Check if mod exists in db + is for a required slot
* @param modToAdd Db template of mod to check
* @param slotAddedToTemplate Slot object the item will be placed as child into
* @param modSlot Slot the mod will fill
* @param parentTemplate Db template of the mods being added
* @param botRole Bots wildspawntype (assault/pmcBot/exUsec etc)
* @returns True if valid for slot
protected isModValidForSlot(
modToAdd: [boolean, ITemplateItem],
slotAddedToTemplate: ISlot,
modSlot: string,
parentTemplate: ITemplateItem,
botRole: string,
): boolean {
const modBeingAddedDbTemplate = modToAdd[1];
// Mod lacks db template object
if (!modBeingAddedDbTemplate) {
this.localisationService.getText("bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod", {
modId: modBeingAddedDbTemplate?._id ?? "UNKNOWN",
modSlot: modSlot,
this.logger.debug(`Item -> ${parentTemplate?._id}; Slot -> ${modSlot}`);
return false;
// Mod has invalid db item
if (!modToAdd[0]) {
// Parent slot must be filled but db object is invalid, show warning and return false
if (slotAddedToTemplate._required) {
this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid", {
itemName: modBeingAddedDbTemplate?._name ?? "UNKNOWN",
modSlot: modSlot,
parentItemName: parentTemplate._name,
botRole: botRole,
return false;
// Mod was found in db
return true;
* Find mod tpls of a provided type and add to modPool
* @param desiredSlotName Slot to look up and add we are adding tpls for (e.g mod_scope)
* @param modTemplate db object for modItem we get compatible mods from
* @param modPool Pool of mods we are adding to
* @param botEquipBlacklist A blacklist of items that cannot be picked
protected addCompatibleModsForProvidedMod(
desiredSlotName: string,
modTemplate: ITemplateItem,
modPool: IMods,
botEquipBlacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails,
): void {
const desiredSlotObject = modTemplate._props.Slots?.find((slot) => slot._name.includes(desiredSlotName));
if (desiredSlotObject) {
const supportedSubMods = desiredSlotObject._props.filters[0].Filter;
if (supportedSubMods) {
// Filter mods
let filteredMods = this.filterModsByBlacklist(supportedSubMods, botEquipBlacklist, desiredSlotName);
if (filteredMods.length === 0) {
this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted", {
slotName: desiredSlotObject._name,
itemName: modTemplate._name,
filteredMods = supportedSubMods;
if (!modPool[modTemplate._id]) {
modPool[modTemplate._id] = {};
modPool[modTemplate._id][desiredSlotObject._name] = supportedSubMods;
* Get the possible items that fit a slot
* @param parentItemId item tpl to get compatible items for
* @param modSlot Slot item should fit in
* @param botEquipBlacklist Equipment that should not be picked
* @returns Array of compatible items for that slot
protected getDynamicModPool(
parentItemId: string,
modSlot: string,
botEquipBlacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails,
): string[] {
const modsFromDynamicPool = this.cloner.clone(
this.botEquipmentModPoolService.getCompatibleModsForWeaponSlot(parentItemId, modSlot),
const filteredMods = this.filterModsByBlacklist(modsFromDynamicPool, botEquipBlacklist, modSlot);
if (filteredMods.length === 0) {
this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted", modSlot),
return modsFromDynamicPool;
return filteredMods;
* Take a list of tpls and filter out blacklisted values using itemFilterService + botEquipmentBlacklist
* @param allowedMods Base mods to filter
* @param botEquipBlacklist Equipment blacklist
* @param modSlot Slot mods belong to
* @returns Filtered array of mod tpls
protected filterModsByBlacklist(
allowedMods: string[],
botEquipBlacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails,
modSlot: string,
): string[] {
// No blacklist, nothing to filter out
if (!botEquipBlacklist) {
return allowedMods;
let result: string[] = [];
// Get item blacklist and mod equipment blacklist as one array
const blacklist = this.itemFilterService
.concat(botEquipBlacklist.equipment[modSlot] || []);
result = allowedMods.filter((tpl) => !blacklist.includes(tpl));
return result;
* With the shotgun revolver (60db29ce99594040e04c4a27) 12.12 introduced CylinderMagazines.
* Those magazines (e.g. 60dc519adf4c47305f6d410d) have a "Cartridges" entry with a _max_count=0.
* Ammo is not put into the magazine directly but assigned to the magazine's slots: The "camora_xxx" slots.
* This function is a helper called by generateModsForItem for mods with parent type "CylinderMagazine"
* @param items The items where the CylinderMagazine's camora are appended to
* @param modPool ModPool which should include available cartridges
* @param cylinderMagParentId The CylinderMagazine's UID
* @param cylinderMagTemplate The CylinderMagazine's template
protected fillCamora(
items: IItem[],
modPool: IMods,
cylinderMagParentId: string,
cylinderMagTemplate: ITemplateItem,
): void {
let itemModPool = modPool[cylinderMagTemplate._id];
if (!itemModPool) {
this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty", {
weaponId: cylinderMagTemplate._id,
weaponName: cylinderMagTemplate._name,
const camoraSlots = cylinderMagTemplate._props.Slots.filter((slot) => slot._name.startsWith("camora"));
// Attempt to generate camora slots for item
modPool[cylinderMagTemplate._id] = {};
for (const camora of camoraSlots) {
modPool[cylinderMagTemplate._id][camora._name] = camora._props.filters[0].Filter;
itemModPool = modPool[cylinderMagTemplate._id];
let exhaustableModPool = undefined;
let modSlot = "cartridges";
const camoraFirstSlot = "camora_000";
if (modSlot in itemModPool) {
exhaustableModPool = this.createExhaustableArray(itemModPool[modSlot]);
} else if (camoraFirstSlot in itemModPool) {
modSlot = camoraFirstSlot;
exhaustableModPool = this.createExhaustableArray(this.mergeCamoraPools(itemModPool));
} else {
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-missing_cartridge_slot", cylinderMagTemplate._id));
let modTpl: string;
let found = false;
while (exhaustableModPool.hasValues()) {
modTpl = exhaustableModPool.getRandomValue();
if (!this.botGeneratorHelper.isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems(items, modTpl, modSlot).incompatible) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found", modSlot));
for (const slot of cylinderMagTemplate._props.Slots) {
const modSlotId = slot._name;
const modId = this.hashUtil.generate();
items.push({ _id: modId, _tpl: modTpl, parentId: cylinderMagParentId, slotId: modSlotId });
* Take a record of camoras and merge the compatible shells into one array
* @param camorasWithShells Dictionary of camoras we want to merge into one array
* @returns String array of shells for multiple camora sources
protected mergeCamoraPools(camorasWithShells: Record<string, string[]>): string[] {
const uniqueShells = new Set<string>();
for (const shells of Object.values(camorasWithShells)) {
// Add all shells to the set
for (const shell of shells) {
return Array.from(uniqueShells);
* Filter out non-whitelisted weapon scopes
* Controlled by bot.json weaponSightWhitelist
* e.g. filter out rifle scopes from SMGs
* @param weapon Weapon scopes will be added to
* @param scopes Full scope pool
* @param botWeaponSightWhitelist Whitelist of scope types by weapon base type
* @returns Array of scope tpls that have been filtered to just ones allowed for that weapon type
protected filterSightsByWeaponType(
weapon: IItem,
scopes: string[],
botWeaponSightWhitelist: Record<string, string[]>,
): string[] {
const weaponDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(weapon._tpl);
// Return original scopes array if whitelist not found
const whitelistedSightTypes = botWeaponSightWhitelist[weaponDetails[1]._parent];
if (!whitelistedSightTypes) {
`Unable to find whitelist for weapon type: ${weaponDetails[1]._parent} ${weaponDetails[1]._name}, skipping sight filtering`,
return scopes;
// Filter items that are not directly scopes OR mounts that do not hold the type of scope we allow for this weapon type
const filteredScopesAndMods: string[] = [];
for (const item of scopes) {
// Mods is a scope, check base class is allowed
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(item, whitelistedSightTypes)) {
// Add mod to allowed list
// Edge case, what if item is a mount for a scope and not directly a scope?
// Check item is mount + has child items
const itemDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(item)[1];
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(item, BaseClasses.MOUNT) && itemDetails._props.Slots.length > 0) {
// Check to see if mount has a scope slot (only include primary slot, ignore the rest like the backup sight slots)
// Should only find 1 as there's currently no items with a mod_scope AND a mod_scope_000
const scopeSlot = itemDetails._props.Slots.filter((slot) =>
["mod_scope", "mod_scope_000"].includes(slot._name),
// Mods scope slot found must allow ALL whitelisted scope types OR be a mount
if (
scopeSlot?.every((slot) =>
(tpl) =>
this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(tpl, whitelistedSightTypes) ||
this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, BaseClasses.MOUNT),
) {
// Add mod to allowed list
// No mods added to return list after filtering has occurred, send back the original mod list
if (!filteredScopesAndMods || filteredScopesAndMods.length === 0) {
`Scope whitelist too restrictive for: ${weapon._tpl} ${weaponDetails[1]._name}, skipping filter`,
return scopes;
return filteredScopesAndMods;