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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
c855bab5e0 Merge pull request 'Remove windows only font' (#107) from MadByte/Installer:master into master
Reviewed-on: SPT/Installer#107

2024-10-04 13:25:53 +00:00
7b8dd9ada6 remove windows only font
Port of commit 47efa367e9

- remove the windows only font used on some icons
- replaces those html code icons with geometry paths
2024-09-20 16:26:52 +02:00
2 changed files with 24 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -48,7 +48,14 @@
<PathGeometry x:Key="Bug" <PathGeometry x:Key="Bug"
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Figures="M 2.2731724 14.474999 C 2.5381753 14.186249 3.2824783 12.195001 3.9271792 10.05 5.6676413 4.2592679 4.7621113 4.8000009 12.719033 4.8000009 c 5.6684 0 6.78597 0.072438 7.12511 0.4618343 0.332844 0.3821726 0.17704 1.1971998 -0.903259 4.7250006 -0.763041 2.4917722 -1.52781 4.4189802 -1.840552 4.6381652 C 16.708149 14.899859 14.592619 15 9.1783054 15 2.1694393 15 1.8160107 14.973129 2.2731724 14.474999 Z M 0.36305228 14.025959 C 0.11166709 13.786409 0 11.721164 0 7.3114288 0 1.9218189 0.0760474 0.8703905 0.49472143 0.47142828 0.8806724 0.10364926 1.7051307 0 4.2446088 0 7.4749739 0 7.5058294 0.00685701 8.2944922 0.89999983 L 9.0892098 1.8 h 3.6407872 c 3.221023 0 3.71338 0.069177 4.270431 0.5999996 0.346306 0.3300009 0.629646 0.802501 0.629646 1.0500009 0 0.3838238 -0.858607 0.4500002 -5.83853 0.4500002 -5.6986082 0 -5.856156 0.016794 -6.5739181 0.7007613 C 4.8131633 4.9861817 4.2426547 6.0999322 3.9498292 7.0757619 2.3566037 12.385128 1.8127023 13.81777 1.2887903 14.084957 c -0.37832867 0.192941 -0.68163535 0.173611 -0.92573802 -0.059 z"
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View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
VerticalContentAlignment="Center" /> VerticalContentAlignment="Center" />
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@ -29,9 +29,15 @@
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@ -44,7 +50,7 @@
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RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}" RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}"
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@ -53,9 +59,15 @@
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