using Spectre.Console; using SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Helper; using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading; namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Core { //TODO: // locales, language selection // make the installer download relevant version of patcher and aki based on game version if possible public static class SPTinstaller { static void Main() { string targetPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; #if DEBUG targetPath = @"D:\install"; #endif SpectreHelper.Figlet("SPT-AKI INSTALLER", Color.Yellow); PreCheckHelper.GameCheck(out string originalGamePath); PreCheckHelper.DetectOriginalGameVersion(originalGamePath); if (originalGamePath == null) { CloseApp("Unable to find EFT OG directory! \n please make sure EFT is installed! \n please also run EFT once!"); } if (originalGamePath == targetPath) { CloseApp("Installer is located in EFT's original directory! \n Please move the installer to a seperate folder as per the guide!"); } var checkForExistingFiles = FileHelper.FindFile(targetPath, "EscapeFromTarkov.exe"); if (checkForExistingFiles != null) { CloseApp("Installer is located in a Folder that has existing Game Files \n Please make sure the installer is in a fresh folder as per the guide"); } LogHelper.User("We need to download files during this installation."); LogHelper.User("Are you ok with this? type yes or no"); var userReponse = Console.ReadLine(); while (!string.Equals(userReponse, "yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !string.Equals(userReponse, "no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { LogHelper.Warning("Response was not yes or no, please respond with yes or no"); userReponse = Console.ReadLine(); } if (string.Equals(userReponse, "no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { CloseApp("you selected no, we need to download this to continue with auto installation \n Press enter to close the app"); } LogHelper.Info("Downloading ClientVersions.json..."); var jsonDownload = DownloadHelper.DownloadFileAsync(targetPath, "", "/ClientVersions.json"); while (jsonDownload.Status != System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) { } //Thread.Sleep(3000); LogHelper.Info("Downloading Complete, Checking Versions!"); DownloadHelper.ReadJson(targetPath); LogHelper.Info($"Original game path detected, Game version: { DownloadHelper.ogClient } Detected"); LogHelper.Info($"TargetClient version for this Game version is: { DownloadHelper.targetClient }"); if (string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { LogHelper.Info("Patching IS required!"); } if (string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { LogHelper.Info("Patching is not required!"); } LogHelper.Info($"TargetAki version for this GameVersion is { DownloadHelper.targetAki }"); LogHelper.Info("Checking if Zips already exist in directory"); PreCheckHelper.PatcherZipCheck(originalGamePath, targetPath, out string patcherZipPath); PreCheckHelper.AkiZipCheck(targetPath, out string akiZipPath); if (patcherZipPath == null && string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { LogHelper.Info("Unable to find Patcher Zip in Directory"); LogHelper.Info("Downloading Patcher Zip now!"); var task = DownloadHelper.DownloadFileAsync(targetPath, DownloadHelper.patcherLink, "/"); while(task.Status != System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) { } LogHelper.Info("Download Complete!"); } else if (string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { LogHelper.Info("Did not check for Patcher as its not needed"); } if (akiZipPath == null) { LogHelper.Info("Unable to find Aki Zip in Directory"); LogHelper.Info("Downloading Aki Zip now!"); var task = DownloadHelper.DownloadFileAsync(targetPath, DownloadHelper.akiLink, "/"); while (task.Status != System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) { } LogHelper.Info("Download Complete!"); } LogHelper.Info("Ready to continue with installation"); Console.ReadKey(); PreCheckHelper.PatcherZipCheck(originalGamePath, targetPath, out patcherZipPath); PreCheckHelper.AkiZipCheck(targetPath, out akiZipPath); LogHelper.Info("Copying game files"); GameCopy(originalGamePath, targetPath); if (string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { PatcherCopy(targetPath, patcherZipPath); PatcherProcess(targetPath); } AkiInstall(targetPath, akiZipPath); DeleteZip(patcherZipPath, akiZipPath, Path.Join(targetPath, "/ClientVersions.json")); } static void GameCopy(string originalGamePath, string targetPath) { FileHelper.CopyDirectory(originalGamePath, targetPath, true); LogHelper.Info("Game has been copied, Extracting patcher"); } static void PatcherCopy(string targetPath, string patcherZipPath) { ZipHelper.Decompress(patcherZipPath, targetPath); FileHelper.FindFolder(patcherZipPath, targetPath, out DirectoryInfo dir); FileHelper.CopyDirectory(dir.FullName, targetPath, true); if (dir.Exists) { dir.Delete(true); dir.Refresh(); if (dir.Exists) { LogHelper.Error("unable to delete patcher folder"); LogHelper.Error($"please delete folder called {dir.FullName}"); } } } static void PatcherProcess(string targetPath) { LogHelper.Info("patcher has been extracted, starting patcher"); ProcessHelper patcherProcess = new(); patcherProcess.StartProcess(Path.Join(targetPath + "/patcher.exe"), targetPath); FileHelper.DeleteFiles(Path.Join(targetPath, "/patcher.exe")); } static void AkiInstall(string targetPath, string akiZipPath) { ZipHelper.Decompress(akiZipPath, targetPath); LogHelper.Info("Aki has been extracted"); } static void DeleteZip(string patcherZipPath, string akiZipPath, string versionJson) { FileHelper.DeleteFiles(patcherZipPath, false); FileHelper.DeleteFiles(akiZipPath, false); FileHelper.DeleteFiles(versionJson, false); LogHelper.User("Removed Zips, Press enter to close the installer, you can then delete the installer"); LogHelper.User("ENJOY SPT-AKI!"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } static void CloseApp(string text) { LogHelper.Warning(text); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } } }