diff --git a/Patcher/PatchClient/MainWindow.xaml.cs b/Patcher/PatchClient/MainWindow.xaml.cs
index 1c1d8af..5f222aa 100644
--- a/Patcher/PatchClient/MainWindow.xaml.cs
+++ b/Patcher/PatchClient/MainWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -21,24 +21,18 @@ namespace PatchClient
Task.Run(() =>
- FilePatcher bp = new FilePatcher()
- {
- TargetBase = Environment.CurrentDirectory,
- PatchBase = LazyOperations.PatchFolder.FromCwd()
- };
+ PatchHelper patcher = new PatchHelper(Environment.CurrentDirectory, null, LazyOperations.PatchFolder.FromCwd());
- bp.ProgressChanged += Bp_ProgressChanged;
+ patcher.ProgressChanged += patcher_ProgressChanged;
- if (bp.Run())
- {
- MessageBox.Show("Patch completed without issues", "Patching Successful");
- }
- else
- {
- MessageBox.Show("Failed to patch client.", "Patching Failed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
- }
+ LazyOperations.CleanupTempDir();
+ LazyOperations.PrepTempDir();
+ string message = patcher.ApplyPatches();
+ MessageBox.Show(message, "Patcher");
catch(Exception ex)
@@ -54,7 +48,7 @@ namespace PatchClient
- private void Bp_ProgressChanged(object Sender, int Progress, int Total, int Percent, string Message = "", params LineItem[] AdditionalLineItems)
+ private void patcher_ProgressChanged(object Sender, int Progress, int Total, int Percent, string Message = "", params LineItem[] AdditionalLineItems)
string additionalInfo = "";
foreach (LineItem item in AdditionalLineItems)
diff --git a/Patcher/PatchClient/PatchClient.csproj b/Patcher/PatchClient/PatchClient.csproj
index 50f77b1..db0004b 100644
--- a/Patcher/PatchClient/PatchClient.csproj
+++ b/Patcher/PatchClient/PatchClient.csproj
@@ -6,6 +6,14 @@
diff --git a/Patcher/PatchClient/Properties/launchSettings.json b/Patcher/PatchClient/Properties/launchSettings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0551b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Patcher/PatchClient/Properties/launchSettings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "profiles": {
+ "PatchClient": {
+ "commandName": "Project"
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Patcher/PatchClient/Resources/xdelta3.exe b/Patcher/PatchClient/Resources/xdelta3.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cce3c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/Patcher/PatchClient/Resources/xdelta3.exe differ
diff --git a/Patcher/PatchGenerator/MainWindow.xaml.cs b/Patcher/PatchGenerator/MainWindow.xaml.cs
index 47eb5dc..90ffea5 100644
--- a/Patcher/PatchGenerator/MainWindow.xaml.cs
+++ b/Patcher/PatchGenerator/MainWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -120,13 +120,14 @@ namespace PatchGenerator
//generate patches
- FileCompare bc = new FileCompare(targetFolder, compareFolder, patchBase);
+ //TODO - fix these weird variable names (why did I do this?)
+ PatchHelper patcher = new PatchHelper(compareFolder, targetFolder, patchBase);
- bc.ProgressChanged += Bc_ProgressChanged;
+ patcher.ProgressChanged += patcher_ProgressChanged;
- if (!bc.CompareAll())
+ if (!patcher.GeneratePatches())
- MessageBox.Show("Failed to generate diffs.", ":(", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
+ MessageBox.Show("One of the provided folder paths doesn't exist.", "Oops :(", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
//Copy patch client to output folder
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ namespace PatchGenerator
- private void Bc_ProgressChanged(object Sender, int Progress, int Total, int Percent, string Message = "", params LineItem[] AdditionalLineItems)
+ private void patcher_ProgressChanged(object Sender, int Progress, int Total, int Percent, string Message = "", params LineItem[] AdditionalLineItems)
string additionalInfo = "";
foreach (LineItem item in AdditionalLineItems)
diff --git a/Patcher/PatchGenerator/PatchGenerator.csproj b/Patcher/PatchGenerator/PatchGenerator.csproj
index e3bc973..3a3ee2e 100644
--- a/Patcher/PatchGenerator/PatchGenerator.csproj
+++ b/Patcher/PatchGenerator/PatchGenerator.csproj
@@ -11,15 +11,9 @@
- References\Aki.ByteBanger.dll
- References\ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.zlib.dll
diff --git a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/FileCompare.cs b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/FileCompare.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 63aa4a2..0000000
--- a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/FileCompare.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-// NOTES:
-// - redo search pattern;
-// - compare both directories against eachother, not just one to the other
-// - add ability to handle missing directories
-using System.IO;
-using Aki.Common.Utils;
-using Aki.ByteBanger;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-namespace PatcherUtils
- public class FileCompare
- {
- public string PatchBase;
- public string TargetBase;
- public string CompareBase;
- private int fileCount;
- private int fileIt;
- private int diffCount = 0;
- private int newCount = 0;
- private int delCount = 0;
- private int matchCount = 0;
- private List TargetPaths;
- private List ComparePaths;
- private List AdditionalInfo = new List();
- ///
- /// Provides patch generation progress changes
- ///
- public event ProgressChangedHandler ProgressChanged;
- protected virtual void RaiseProgressChanged(int progress, int total, string Message = "", params LineItem[] AdditionalLineItems)
- {
- int percent = (int)Math.Floor((double)progress / total * 100);
- ProgressChanged?.Invoke(this, progress, total, percent, Message, AdditionalLineItems);
- }
- ///
- /// Compare a target file to an assumed compareable file.
- ///
- /// The known target path
- /// The assumed comparable file path
- /// True if a comparison was made | False if a comparison could not be made
- private bool Compare(string targetFile, string assumedCompareFile)
- {
- string patchFilePath = targetFile.Replace(TargetBase, PatchBase);
- //we know our target file exists
- byte[] targetData = VFS.ReadFile(targetFile);
- if(!File.Exists(assumedCompareFile))
- {
- //save the data we won't have in our target as new
- VFS.WriteFile($"{patchFilePath}.new", Zlib.Compress(targetData, ZlibCompression.Maximum));
- newCount++;
- return true;
- }
- //now our compare file is known to exist
- byte[] compareData = VFS.ReadFile(assumedCompareFile);
- // get diffs
- DiffResult result = PatchUtil.Diff(compareData, targetData);
- switch (result.Result)
- {
- case DiffResultType.Success:
- VFS.WriteFile($"{patchFilePath}.bpf", result.PatchInfo.ToBytes());
- diffCount++;
- return true;
- case DiffResultType.FilesMatch:
- matchCount++;
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Compares the base folders and generates patch files.
- ///
- /// True if patches were generated successfully | False if patch generation failed
- public bool CompareAll()
- {
- DirectoryInfo targetDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(TargetBase);
- DirectoryInfo compareDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(CompareBase);
- AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("Diff Patch", "0"));
- AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("New Patch", "0"));
- AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("Del Patch", "0"));
- AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("Files Match", "0"));
- if (!targetDirInfo.Exists || !compareDirInfo.Exists)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Target or Compare folder does not exist");
- return false;
- }
- //Get all the files recursively
- TargetPaths = new List(targetDirInfo.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
- ComparePaths = new List(compareDirInfo.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
- RaiseProgressChanged(0, fileCount, "Generating diffs...");
- /* Comparing Target files -> Compare files
- * - Exists = Diff (.bfd file)
- * - Doesn't Exist = New (.new file)
- *
- * Once everything has been compared from one side, any remaining paths in our ComparePaths
- * are things that don't exist in our target and can be deleted (.del file)
- */
- for (int x = 0; x < TargetPaths.Count; x++)
- {
- FileInfo file = TargetPaths[x];
- string assumedComparePath = file.DirectoryName.Replace(TargetBase, CompareBase);
- if (!Compare(file.FullName, VFS.Combine(assumedComparePath, file.Name)))
- {
- return false;
- }
- //remove any existing files from our ComparePaths
- FileInfo assumedFile = new FileInfo(VFS.Combine(assumedComparePath, file.Name));
- if (assumedFile.Exists && ComparePaths.Exists(x => x.FullName == assumedFile.FullName))
- {
- ComparePaths.Remove(ComparePaths.Where(x => x.FullName == assumedFile.FullName).FirstOrDefault());
- }
- AdditionalInfo[0].ItemValue = diffCount.ToString();
- AdditionalInfo[1].ItemValue = newCount.ToString();
- AdditionalInfo[3].ItemValue = matchCount.ToString();
- fileIt++;
- RaiseProgressChanged(fileIt, fileCount, file.Name, AdditionalInfo.ToArray());
- }
- if (ComparePaths.Count == 0)
- {
- //if there are no files to delete, just return true
- return true;
- }
- //progress reset for files that need to be deleted
- RaiseProgressChanged(0, ComparePaths.Count, "Processing .del files...");
- fileIt = 0;
- fileCount = ComparePaths.Count;
- //the paths remaining in ComparePaths don't exist in our target and need to be removed during patching.
- foreach (FileInfo file in ComparePaths)
- {
- //add del files replace root dir with patch base
- string patchFilePath = file.FullName.Replace(CompareBase, PatchBase);
- VFS.WriteFile($"{patchFilePath}.del", new byte[0]);
- delCount++;
- AdditionalInfo[2].ItemValue = delCount.ToString();
- fileIt++;
- RaiseProgressChanged(fileIt, fileCount, "", AdditionalInfo.ToArray());
- }
- return true;
- }
- public FileCompare(string TargetBase, string CompareBase, string PatchBase)
- {
- this.TargetBase = TargetBase;
- this.CompareBase = CompareBase;
- this.PatchBase = PatchBase;
- fileCount = VFS.GetFilesCount(TargetBase);
- fileIt = 0;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/FilePatcher.cs b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/FilePatcher.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index f3ec4db..0000000
--- a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/FilePatcher.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using Aki.Common.Utils;
-using Aki.ByteBanger;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-namespace PatcherUtils
- public class FilePatcher
- {
- public string TargetBase;
- public string PatchBase;
- private int fileCount;
- private int fileIt;
- private int diffCount;
- private int newCount;
- private int delCount;
- private List AdditionalInfo;
- public event ProgressChangedHandler ProgressChanged;
- protected virtual void RaiseProgressChanged(int progress, int total, string Message = "", params LineItem[] AdditionalLineItems)
- {
- int percent = (int)Math.Floor((double)progress / total * 100);
- ProgressChanged?.Invoke(this, progress, total, percent, Message, AdditionalLineItems);
- }
- public bool Patch(string targetfile, string patchfile)
- {
- byte[] target = VFS.ReadFile(targetfile);
- byte[] patch = VFS.ReadFile(patchfile);
- PatchResult result = PatchUtil.Patch(target, PatchInfo.FromBytes(patch));
- switch (result.Result)
- {
- case PatchResultType.Success:
- VFS.WriteFile(targetfile, result.PatchedData);
- return true;
- case PatchResultType.AlreadyPatched:
- case PatchResultType.InputChecksumMismatch:
- case PatchResultType.InputLengthMismatch:
- return true;
- case PatchResultType.OutputChecksumMismatch:
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- private bool PatchAll(string targetpath, string patchpath)
- {
- DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(patchpath);
- foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles())
- {
- FileInfo target = null;
- switch (file.Extension)
- {
- // patch
- case ".bpf":
- {
- target = new FileInfo(VFS.Combine(targetpath, file.Name.Replace(".bpf", "")));
- if (!Patch(target.FullName, file.FullName))
- {
- // patch failed
- return false;
- }
- diffCount--;
- }
- break;
- // add new files
- case ".new":
- {
- target = new FileInfo(VFS.Combine(targetpath, file.Name.Replace(".new", "")));
- VFS.WriteFile(target.FullName, Zlib.Decompress(VFS.ReadFile(file.FullName)));
- newCount--;
- }
- break;
- // delete old files
- case ".del":
- {
- target = new FileInfo(VFS.Combine(targetpath, file.Name.Replace(".del", "")));
- target.IsReadOnly = false;
- target.Delete();
- delCount--;
- }
- break;
- }
- AdditionalInfo[0].ItemValue = diffCount.ToString();
- AdditionalInfo[1].ItemValue = newCount.ToString();
- AdditionalInfo[2].ItemValue = delCount.ToString();
- ++fileIt;
- RaiseProgressChanged(fileIt, fileCount, target.Name, AdditionalInfo.ToArray());
- }
- foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in di.GetDirectories())
- {
- PatchAll(VFS.Combine(targetpath, directory.Name), directory.FullName);
- }
- di.Refresh();
- if (di.GetFiles().Length == 0 && di.GetDirectories().Length == 0)
- {
- // remove empty folders
- di.Delete();
- }
- return true;
- }
- public bool Run()
- {
- fileCount = VFS.GetFilesCount(PatchBase);
- FileInfo[] files = new DirectoryInfo(PatchBase).GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
- diffCount = files.Where(x => x.Extension == ".bpf").Count();
- newCount = files.Where(x => x.Extension == ".new").Count();
- delCount = files.Where(x => x.Extension == ".del").Count();
- AdditionalInfo = new List()
- {
- new LineItem("Patches Remaining", diffCount.ToString()),
- new LineItem("New Files to Inflate", newCount.ToString()),
- new LineItem("Files to Delete", delCount.ToString())
- };
- fileIt = 0;
- return PatchAll(TargetBase, PatchBase);
- }
- }
diff --git a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/LazyOperations.cs b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/LazyOperations.cs
index d38d6aa..06d4098 100644
--- a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/LazyOperations.cs
+++ b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/LazyOperations.cs
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ namespace PatcherUtils
public static string TempDir = "PATCHER_TEMP".FromCwd();
- private static string SevenZExe = "7za.exe";
/// The folder that the patches will be stored in
- public static string PatchFolder = "Aki_Data\\Patcher";
+ public static string PatchFolder = "Aki_Patches";
+ private static string SevenZExe = "7za.exe";
/// The path to the 7za.exe file in the
@@ -30,6 +31,13 @@ namespace PatcherUtils
public static string PatcherClientPath = $"{TempDir}\\{PatcherClient}";
+ private static string XDelta3EXE = "xdelta3.exe";
+ ///
+ /// The path to the xdelta3.exe flie in the
+ ///
+ public static string XDelta3Path = $"{TempDir}\\{XDelta3EXE}";
/// Streams embedded resources out of the assembly
@@ -73,6 +81,11 @@ namespace PatcherUtils
StreamResourceOut(resource, PatcherClientPath);
+ case string a when a.EndsWith(XDelta3EXE):
+ {
+ StreamResourceOut(resource, XDelta3Path);
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/PatchHelper.cs b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/PatchHelper.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29395de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/PatchHelper.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+using Aki.Common.Utils;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace PatcherUtils
+ public class PatchHelper
+ {
+ private string SourceFolder = "";
+ private string TargetFolder = "";
+ private string DeltaFolder = "";
+ private int fileCountTotal;
+ private int filesProcessed;
+ private int deltaCount;
+ private int newCount;
+ private int delCount;
+ private List AdditionalInfo = new List();
+ public event ProgressChangedHandler ProgressChanged;
+ protected virtual void RaiseProgressChanged(int progress, int total, string Message = "", params LineItem[] AdditionalLineItems)
+ {
+ int percent = (int)Math.Floor((double)progress / total * 100);
+ ProgressChanged?.Invoke(this, progress, total, percent, Message, AdditionalLineItems);
+ }
+ public PatchHelper(string SourceFolder, string TargetFolder, string DeltaFolder)
+ {
+ this.SourceFolder = SourceFolder;
+ this.TargetFolder = TargetFolder;
+ this.DeltaFolder = DeltaFolder;
+ }
+ private string GetDeltaPath(string sourceFile, string sourceFolder, string extension)
+ {
+ return Path.Join(DeltaFolder, $"{sourceFile.Replace(sourceFolder, "")}.{extension}");
+ }
+ private void ApplyDelta(string SourceFilePath, string DeltaFilePath)
+ {
+ string decodedPath = SourceFilePath + ".decoded";
+ Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
+ {
+ FileName = LazyOperations.XDelta3Path,
+ Arguments = $"-d -f -s \"{SourceFilePath}\" \"{DeltaFilePath}\" \"{decodedPath}\"",
+ CreateNoWindow = true
+ })
+ .WaitForExit();
+ if(File.Exists(decodedPath))
+ {
+ File.Delete(SourceFilePath);
+ File.Move(decodedPath, SourceFilePath);
+ }
+ }
+ private void CreateDelta(string SourceFilePath, string TargetFilePath)
+ {
+ FileInfo sourceFileInfo = new FileInfo(SourceFilePath);
+ string deltaPath = GetDeltaPath(SourceFilePath, SourceFolder, "delta");
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(deltaPath.Replace(sourceFileInfo.Name+".delta", ""));
+ //TODO - don't hardcode FileName
+ Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
+ {
+ FileName = LazyOperations.XDelta3Path,
+ Arguments = $"-0 -e -f -s \"{SourceFilePath}\" \"{TargetFilePath}\" \"{deltaPath}\"",
+ CreateNoWindow = true
+ })
+ .WaitForExit();
+ }
+ private void CreateDelFile(string SourceFile)
+ {
+ FileInfo sourceFileInfo = new FileInfo(SourceFile);
+ string deltaPath = GetDeltaPath(SourceFile, SourceFolder, "del");
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(deltaPath.Replace(sourceFileInfo.Name+".del", ""));
+ File.Create(deltaPath);
+ }
+ private void CreateNewFile(string TargetFile)
+ {
+ FileInfo targetSourceInfo = new FileInfo(TargetFile);
+ string deltaPath = GetDeltaPath(TargetFile, TargetFolder, "new");
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(deltaPath.Replace(targetSourceInfo.Name+".new", ""));
+ targetSourceInfo.CopyTo(deltaPath, true);
+ }
+ public bool GeneratePatches()
+ {
+ //get all directory information needed
+ DirectoryInfo sourceDir = new DirectoryInfo(SourceFolder);
+ DirectoryInfo targetDir = new DirectoryInfo(TargetFolder);
+ DirectoryInfo deltaDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(DeltaFolder);
+ //make sure all directories exist
+ if (!sourceDir.Exists || !targetDir.Exists || !deltaDir.Exists)
+ {
+ //One of the directories doesn't exist
+ return false;
+ }
+ List SourceFiles = sourceDir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
+ fileCountTotal = SourceFiles.Count;
+ AdditionalInfo.Clear();
+ AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("Delta Patch", "0"));
+ AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("New Patch", "0"));
+ AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("Del Patch", "0"));
+ filesProcessed = 0;
+ RaiseProgressChanged(0, fileCountTotal, "Generating deltas...");
+ foreach (FileInfo targetFile in targetDir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
+ {
+ //find a matching source file based on the relative path of the file
+ FileInfo sourceFile = SourceFiles.Find(f => f.FullName.Replace(sourceDir.FullName, "") == targetFile.FullName.Replace(targetDir.FullName, ""));
+ //if the target file doesn't exist in the source files, the target file needs to be added.
+ if (sourceFile == null)
+ {
+ CreateNewFile(targetFile.FullName);
+ newCount++;
+ filesProcessed++;
+ RaiseProgressChanged(filesProcessed, fileCountTotal, targetFile.Name, AdditionalInfo.ToArray());
+ continue;
+ }
+ //if a matching source file was found, get the delta for it.
+ CreateDelta(sourceFile.FullName, targetFile.FullName);
+ SourceFiles.Remove(sourceFile);
+ deltaCount++;
+ filesProcessed++;
+ AdditionalInfo[0].ItemValue = deltaCount.ToString();
+ AdditionalInfo[1].ItemValue = newCount.ToString();
+ RaiseProgressChanged(filesProcessed, fileCountTotal, targetFile.Name, AdditionalInfo.ToArray());
+ }
+ //Any remaining source files do not exist in the target folder and can be removed.
+ //reset progress info
+ RaiseProgressChanged(0, SourceFiles.Count, "Processing .del files...");
+ filesProcessed = 0;
+ fileCountTotal = SourceFiles.Count;
+ foreach (FileInfo delFile in SourceFiles)
+ {
+ CreateDelFile(delFile.FullName);
+ delCount++;
+ AdditionalInfo[2].ItemValue = delCount.ToString();
+ filesProcessed++;
+ RaiseProgressChanged(filesProcessed, fileCountTotal, "", AdditionalInfo.ToArray());
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public string ApplyPatches()
+ {
+ //get needed directory information
+ DirectoryInfo sourceDir = new DirectoryInfo(SourceFolder);
+ DirectoryInfo deltaDir = new DirectoryInfo(DeltaFolder);
+ //check directories exist
+ if (!sourceDir.Exists || !deltaDir.Exists)
+ {
+ return "One of the supplied directories doesn't exist";
+ }
+ List SourceFiles = sourceDir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
+ List deltaFiles = deltaDir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
+ deltaCount = deltaFiles.Where(x => x.Extension == ".delta").Count();
+ newCount = deltaFiles.Where(x => x.Extension == ".new").Count();
+ delCount = deltaFiles.Where(x => x.Extension == ".del").Count();
+ AdditionalInfo = new List()
+ {
+ new LineItem("Patches Remaining", deltaCount.ToString()),
+ new LineItem("New Files to Add", newCount.ToString()),
+ new LineItem("Files to Delete", delCount.ToString())
+ };
+ filesProcessed = 0;
+ fileCountTotal = deltaFiles.Count;
+ foreach (FileInfo deltaFile in deltaDir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
+ {
+ switch(deltaFile.Extension)
+ {
+ case ".delta":
+ {
+ //apply delta
+ FileInfo sourceFile = SourceFiles.Find(f => f.FullName.Replace(sourceDir.FullName, "") == deltaFile.FullName.Replace(deltaDir.FullName, "").Replace(".delta", ""));
+ if(sourceFile == null)
+ {
+ return $"Failed to find matching source file for '{deltaFile.FullName}'";
+ }
+ ApplyDelta(sourceFile.FullName, deltaFile.FullName);
+ deltaCount--;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ".new":
+ {
+ //copy new file
+ string destination = Path.Join(sourceDir.FullName, deltaFile.FullName.Replace(deltaDir.FullName, "").Replace(".new", ""));
+ File.Copy(deltaFile.FullName, destination);
+ newCount--;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ".del":
+ {
+ //remove unneeded file
+ string delFilePath = Path.Join(sourceDir.FullName, deltaFile.FullName.Replace(deltaDir.FullName, "").Replace(".del", ""));
+ File.Delete(delFilePath);
+ delCount--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ AdditionalInfo[0].ItemValue = deltaCount.ToString();
+ AdditionalInfo[1].ItemValue = newCount.ToString();
+ AdditionalInfo[2].ItemValue = delCount.ToString();
+ ++filesProcessed;
+ RaiseProgressChanged(filesProcessed, fileCountTotal, deltaFile.Name, AdditionalInfo.ToArray());
+ }
+ LazyOperations.CleanupTempDir();
+ Directory.Delete(LazyOperations.PatchFolder, true);
+ return $"Patching Complete. You can delete the patcher.exe file.";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/PatcherUtils.csproj b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/PatcherUtils.csproj
index 2582ff1..8e7ab05 100644
--- a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/PatcherUtils.csproj
+++ b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/PatcherUtils.csproj
@@ -7,23 +7,19 @@
- ..\PatchGenerator\References\Aki.ByteBanger.dll
- ..\PatchGenerator\References\ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.zlib.dll
diff --git a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/Resources/PatchClient.exe b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/Resources/PatchClient.exe
index 26da804..8338438 100644
Binary files a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/Resources/PatchClient.exe and b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/Resources/PatchClient.exe differ
diff --git a/Patcher/PatcherUtils/Resources/xdelta3.exe b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/Resources/xdelta3.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cce3c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/Patcher/PatcherUtils/Resources/xdelta3.exe differ