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Private Dockerfile to build a docker container for Single-Player-Tarkov



Note: SPT-AKI does not work as a subtree (can be used as a .gitmodule) because of lfs. I've decided to pull in the image (with a builder) instead of forking / adding the submodule to this repo, as it is standarized in Dockerfiles as per 2024-04

Docker Support


Two volumes are added:

  • /app/Aki_Data/Server contains standard SPT-Aki.Server database and configuration files. For example, http.json or profiles.json The container will copy standard Aki Server files to this volume if emty (i.e. mounted by the very first time)
  • /app/user with the standard server configuration (will be created on first login)
    • ./profiles contains the player profiles created
    • ./mods installed server mods go here
    • ./logs server logs will appear here

Enviroment Variables

  • SPT_LOG_REQUESTS when false, disables SPT-AKI Request Logging
  • SPT_BACKEND_IP when present, used in http.conf as backendIp property

Feel free to play yourself with the different setups and configs.

How to build

Update SPT_VERSION Dockerfile ARG with the desired tag You can look for the most recent tag with git describe --tags --abbrev=0 The way SPT is organizing their release is by tags on release branches. 3.8.0 was not released as a tag on master as it was done before. Note: It can be a good idea to evolve the Dockerfile to include SPT_VERSION for the branch and always use latest tag)

docker build -t cbr/spt:latest -t cbr/spt:your-tag-version-here

Old Documentation

Some old documentation if moving to local submodule is desired

Add a submodule for SPT-Aki

git submodule add https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server.git SPT-Server

Retrieve after adding

git submodule update --init --recursive

Note: Needs LFS!

Stay in Tarkov Submodules

Add the remotes

git remote add -f sit-client git@github.com:stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.git
git remote add -f sit-server git@github.com:stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod.git
git remote add -f sit-manager git@github.com:stayintarkov/SIT.Manager.git
git remote add -f sit-mods git@github.com:stayintarkov/SIT-Mod-Ports.git

Add the subtrees

git subtree add --prefix sit-client sit-client master --squash
git fetch sit-client
git subtree pull --prefix sit-client sit-client master --squash

git subtree add --prefix sit-server sit-server master --squash
git fetch sit-server
git subtree pull --prefix sit-server sit-server master --squash

git subtree add --prefix sit-manager sit-manager master --squash
git fetch sit-manager
git subtree pull --prefix sit-manager sit-manager master --squash

git subtree add --prefix sit-mods sit-mods master --squash
git fetch sit-mods
git subtree pull --prefix sit-mods sit-mods master --squash

Repeat for all the repos in https://github.com/stayintarkov