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1. We will need a text editor, it is recommended:
·Visual Studio Core
2. The files to be modified are located inside the folder
3. Within this LOCATIONS folder, we have each subfolder with each map. (We will study the WOODS map as an example)
4. Modify bosses folder:
You can modify existing boss\_.json files or create new ones.
4.1. Open **boss\_0.json**
"BossName": "bossKojaniy",
"BossChance": 39,
"BossZone": "ZoneWoodCutter",
"BossPlayer";: false,
"BossDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortType": "followerKojaniy",
"BossEscortDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortAmount": "2&",
"Time": 1
4.2. The values to be used:
**BossName:** bossBully, bossKilla, bossGluhar, bossKojaniy, bossSanitar, pmcBot, assault, marksman
**BossChance:** 0 to 100 (0 No spawn. 100 always spawn)
**BossZone** : spawn zones can be obtained from bot waves files.
**BossDifficult and BossEscortDifficult:** easy, normal, hard, impossible
**BossEscortType:** followerBully,followerGluharAssault, followerGluharSecurity, followerGluharScout, followerKojaniy, followerSanitar, pmcBot
**BossEscortAmount:** can be a number (4) or a sequence (1,2,0,2,1,1,3)
**Time:** Time in raid when bots will spawn, in seconds.
**Note: Assault and Marksman do not spawn if they are set as followers**
5. Modify waves folder:
You can modify existing wave\_.json files or create new ones.
5.1. Open **wave\_0.json**
"number": 0,
"time\_min": 55,
"time\_max": 100,
"slots\_min": 1,
"slots\_max": 2,
"SpawnPoints": "ZoneWoodCutter",
"BotSide": "Savage",
"BotPreset": "normal",
"WildSpawnType": "assault",
"isPlayers": false,
"OpenZones": ""
5.2. The values to be used:
"number": number wave,
"time\_min": 55, spawn bots in the range 55 and 100.
"time\_max": 100, (range in seconds)
"slots\_min": 1, minimum number of bots in this wave
"slots\_max": 2, maximum number of bots in this wave
"SpawnPoints": "ZoneWoodCutter", Spawn area.
"BotPreset": "normal", difficulty of wave bots. Values (easy, normal, hard, impossible)
"WildSpawnType": "assault", Type of bots (assault, marksman, boss, follower, pmcBot)
**Note: Looking at the SpawnPoints, we can find the spawn areas for use with boss or waves** |