2020-11-29 18:08:36 +01:00

8.9 KiB


This tutorial has not been updated in a long time and may contain errors and incorrect informations.


For doing any edits in SP-Tarkov i higly recommend you to use this software :

This software is free and alot more helpfull for alot of things, like missing coma and everything about the syntax.

  • Make a backup of the profile you're using.

For this, heads to ServerFolder/db/assort/ choose the trader your want to modify (Here's a list of each trader ID) and create a mod with the trader folder.

For all next tutorials, we will change only one trader, and always the same, this is Prapor and his ID is : 54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571

:::caution If you want to make any changes, close both the game and the server, none of these should run. :::

Table :

Change traders avatars

We will here learn how to change the return time of your insured items. For this heads to /ServerFolder/user/mods/Author-YouModName-1.0.0/db/assort/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571/base.json.

And heads to this following line : "avatar":

This is defining the avatar path for the trader, you will need to add to your mod the new avatar your to use, for this, you can see create a mod tutorial.

"/files/trader/avatar/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571.jpg" files is defining the "res" folder, wich for us it's most likely /res/trader/avatar/id.jpg. So you need to put in your mod, a new folder at the same place as the db folder, called res and add the following path trader/avatar/ into the res folder. Add your picture here, add it to your mod.config.json too and save the files ! You can use whatever name you want for the picture, you can replace the default one, or add a new one and change its path into base.json. You can now save all your files and start the server !

Change insurance return time and the storage time in mail

We will here learn how to change the return time of your insured items. For this heads to /ServerFolder/user/mods/Author-YouModName-1.0.0/db/assort/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571/base.json.

You need to search for this line : "insurance": and will face to this code :

"insurance": {
		"availability": true,
		"min_payment": 0,
		"min_return_hour": 24,
		"max_return_hour": 36,
		"max_storage_time": 72,
		"excluded_category": []

What does all this shit means ? Here we go, i tell you :

  • "availability":
    • This define if the trader can insure your items or not.
  • "min_payment":
    • This is used to not allow people to insure their items under a certain price.
  • "min_return_hour":
    • This define the minimum time before an insured item to be sent you to your mail list.
  • "max_return_hour":
    • This define the maximum time for an insured item to be sent you to your mail list.
  • "max_storage_time":
    • This define how much time the mail will be available to be claim.
  • "excluded_category":
    • This define wich items can't be insured to this trader.

So, what we want is to make the insured items to be sent immediatly after dying to your mail. For this we are going to change both min_return_hour and max_return_hour value to 0.

And for being sure we wont loose them because we forgot to take the items from the mail, we will change max_storage_time value to 300.

Note that values can't have decimals, because this is hour and 1.5 hour doesn't exist. The game will most likely get broke if you put a decimals in these values.

So no you can save your changes, remove all other unused files from your mods (aka all files except base.json) add the base.json to your mod.config.json, save and you can now restart the game ! At next raid, if you die, items will be imediatly sent back to your mail list.

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Change repair quality and currency

We will here learn how to change the return time of your insured items. For this heads to /ServerFolder/user/mods/Author-YouModName-1.0.0/db/assort/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571/base.json.

You need to search for this line : "repair": and will face to this code :

"repair": {
		"availability": true,
		"quality": "1.2",
		"excluded_id_list": [],
		"excluded_category": [],
		"currency": "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f",
		"currency_coefficient": 1,
		"price_rate": 0

Again, i'm going to tell you each variables uses:

  • "availability":
    • This define if the trader have the repair option available or not.
  • "quality":
    • This define the quality of the repair. The lower the number is, better the armor will be repaired.
  • "excluded_id_list":
    • This is a list of all excluded items that can't be repaired.
  • "excluded_category":
    • This is a list of items cagetories that can't be repaired.
  • "currency":
    • This define the actual currency to use for repairing.
  • "currency_coefficient":
    • Multiplier used in the repair price calculation
  • "price_rate":
    • This is actually not used.

So we are going to make prapor repair the entire armor value and having to pay with dollars instead of roubles. For this we are going to modify these both values : quality and currency. We will change tha quality value by 0 to make it repair the entire armor points. As said in the explaination, the lower the number is, the better the armor will be repaired. If i increased this number, the armor would get less armors points when repairing.

And for changing the currency to dollars, we are going to change the value of currency variable by this one : 5696686a4bdc2da3298b456a wich is the ID of dollar currency. You can find all currency ID's here : Currency ID List

You can now save your file base.json, remove all unused files in your mods (so only keep base.json for this tutorial) add it to the mod.config.json and save ! You can now restart your server and see the changes in game !

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Change traders LL requirements

We will here learn how to change the return time of your insured items. For this heads to /ServerFolder/user/mods/Author-YouModName-1.0.0/db/assort/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571/base.json.

You need to search for this line : "loyalty": and will face to this code :

"loyalty": {
		"currentLevel": 1,
		"currentStanding": 0,
		"currentSalesSum": 0,
		"loyaltyLevels": {
			"0": {
				"minLevel": 1,
				"minSalesSum": 0,
				"minStanding": 0
			"1": {
				"minLevel": 15,
				"minSalesSum": 1000000,
				"minStanding": 0.2

Let me explain you all these variables we get :

  • "currentLevel":
    • This is the actual level the of the trader, it's not used by the server.
  • "currentStanding":
    • This is the actual standing you have for this trader, it's not used by the server.
  • "currentSalesSum":
    • This is the total of all purchased and sold items for this trader, it's not used by the server.
  • "loyaltyLevels":
    • This define the list of all loyalty levels for the traders.
  • "0":
    • This is the loyalty level (0 = LL1).
  • "minLevel":
    • This is the minimum level requirements for the user to unlock this loyalty level.
  • "minSalesSum":
    • This is the minimum amount of money spent in a trader to unlock this loyalty level.
  • "minStanding":
    • This is the minimum standing you need to have with a trader to unlock this loyalty level.

For the exemple we will now increase the requirements for unlocking Prapor LL2. So heads to the loyaltyLevels 1(as 0 = LL1, 1 = LL2), and let's increase the minimum level to 20 instead of 15. For this change the value of "minLevel": under "1": to 20.

After increasing the minimum level, let's increase the standing requirement, so let's say we want the player to have 0.40 in standing with the trader to unlock the level. Look for "minStanding": and change its value to 0.4 instead of 0.2 (we are not forced to put 0.40 because if not specified, the server will read 0.40 even if you type 0.4).

We will now increase the minimum amount of cash the player spent into a trader. We want the player to have spent 4M500K roubles to prapor in order to get him to LL2. Let's change "minSalesSum": then and replace 1000000 by 4500000 and that's all ! We're good, you can now save your changes, remove all unused files in your mods (so only keep base.json for this tutorial) add it to the mod.config.json and save !

Restart your server and see the changes in game !

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Tutorials made by : Sorata-Senpai

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