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import { writeFileSync } from "atomically";
import fs from "fs";
import path, { resolve } from "path";
import lockfile from "proper-lockfile";
import "reflect-metadata";
import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { promisify } from "util";
import { IAsyncQueue } from "../models/spt/utils/IAsyncQueue";
import { IUUidGenerator } from "../models/spt/utils/IUuidGenerator";
export class VFS
accessFilePromisify: (path: fs.PathLike, mode?: number) => Promise<void>;
copyFilePromisify: (src: fs.PathLike, dst: fs.PathLike, flags?: number) => Promise<void>;
mkdirPromisify: (path: fs.PathLike, options: fs.MakeDirectoryOptions & { recursive: true; }) => Promise<string>;
readFilePromisify: (path: fs.PathLike) => Promise<Buffer>;
writeFilePromisify: (path: fs.PathLike, data: string, options?: any) => Promise<void>;
readdirPromisify: (path: fs.PathLike, options?: BufferEncoding | { encoding: BufferEncoding; withFileTypes?: false; }) => Promise<string[]>;
statPromisify: (path: fs.PathLike, options?: fs.StatOptions & { bigint?: false; }) => Promise<fs.Stats>;
unlinkPromisify: (path: fs.PathLike) => Promise<void>;
rmdirPromisify: (path: fs.PathLike) => Promise<void>;
@inject("AsyncQueue") protected asyncQueue: IAsyncQueue,
@inject("UUidGenerator") protected uuidGenerator: IUUidGenerator
this.accessFilePromisify = promisify(fs.access);
this.copyFilePromisify = promisify(fs.copyFile);
this.mkdirPromisify = promisify(fs.mkdir);
this.readFilePromisify = promisify(fs.readFile);
this.writeFilePromisify = promisify(fs.writeFile);
this.readdirPromisify = promisify(fs.readdir);
this.statPromisify = promisify(fs.stat);
this.unlinkPromisify = promisify(fs.unlinkSync);
this.rmdirPromisify = promisify(fs.rmdir);
public exists(filepath: fs.PathLike): boolean
return fs.existsSync(filepath);
public async existsAsync(filepath: fs.PathLike): Promise<boolean>
// Create the command to add to the queue
const command = {
uuid: this.uuidGenerator.generate(),
cmd: async () => await this.accessFilePromisify(filepath)
// Wait for the command completion
await this.asyncQueue.waitFor(command);
// If no Exception, the file exists
return true;
// If Exception, the file does not exis
return false;
public copyFile(filepath: fs.PathLike, target: fs.PathLike): void
fs.copyFileSync(filepath, target);
public async copyAsync(filepath: fs.PathLike, target: fs.PathLike): Promise<void>
const command = {
uuid: this.uuidGenerator.generate(),
cmd: async () => await this.copyFilePromisify(filepath, target)
await this.asyncQueue.waitFor(command);
public createDir(filepath: string): void
fs.mkdirSync(filepath.substr(0, filepath.lastIndexOf("/")), { "recursive": true });
public async createDirAsync(filepath: string): Promise<void>
const command = {
uuid: this.uuidGenerator.generate(),
cmd: async () => await this.mkdirPromisify(filepath.substr(0, filepath.lastIndexOf("/")), { "recursive": true })
await this.asyncQueue.waitFor(command);
public copyDir(filepath: string, target: string, fileExtensions: string | string[] = undefined): void
const files = this.getFiles(filepath);
const dirs = this.getDirs(filepath);
if (!this.exists(target))
for (const dir of dirs)
this.copyDir(path.join(filepath, dir), path.join(target, dir), fileExtensions);
for (const file of files)
// copy all if fileExtension is not set, copy only those with fileExtension if set
if (!fileExtensions || fileExtensions.includes(file.split(".").pop()))
this.copyFile(path.join(filepath, file), path.join(target, file));
public async copyDirAsync(filepath: string, target: string, fileExtensions: string | string[]): Promise<void>
const files = this.getFiles(filepath);
const dirs = this.getDirs(filepath);
if (!await this.existsAsync(target))
await this.createDirAsync(`${target}/`);
for (const dir of dirs)
await this.copyDirAsync(path.join(filepath, dir), path.join(target, dir), fileExtensions);
for (const file of files)
// copy all if fileExtension is not set, copy only those with fileExtension if set
if (!fileExtensions || fileExtensions.includes(file.split(".").pop()))
await this.copyAsync(path.join(filepath, file), path.join(target, file));
public readFile(...args: Parameters<typeof fs.readFileSync>): string
const read = fs.readFileSync(...args);
if (this.isBuffer(read))
return read.toString();
return read;
public async readFileAsync(path: fs.PathLike): Promise<string>
const read = await this.readFilePromisify(path);
if (this.isBuffer(read))
return read.toString();
return read;
private isBuffer(value: any): value is Buffer
return value?.write && value.toString && value.toJSON && value.equals;
public writeFile(filepath: any, data = "", append = false, atomic = true): void
const options = (append) ? { "flag": "a" } : { "flag": "w" };
if (!this.exists(filepath))
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, "");
if (!append && atomic)
writeFileSync(filepath, data);
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, data, options);
if (this.checkFileSync(filepath))
public async writeFileAsync(filepath: any, data = "", append = false, atomic = true): Promise<void>
const options = (append) ? { "flag": "a" } : { "flag": "w" };
if (!await this.exists(filepath))
await this.createDir(filepath);
await this.writeFilePromisify(filepath, "");
if (!append && atomic)
await this.writeFilePromisify(filepath, data);
await this.writeFilePromisify(filepath, data, options);
public getFiles(filepath: string): string[]
return fs.readdirSync(filepath).filter((item) =>
return fs.statSync(path.join(filepath, item)).isFile();
public async getFilesAsync(filepath: string): Promise<string[]>
const addr = await this.readdirPromisify(filepath);
return addr.filter(async (item) =>
const stat = await this.statPromisify(path.join(filepath, item));
return stat.isFile();
public getDirs(filepath: string): string[]
return fs.readdirSync(filepath).filter((item) =>
return fs.statSync(path.join(filepath, item)).isDirectory();
public async getDirsAsync(filepath: string): Promise<string[]>
const addr = await this.readdirPromisify(filepath);
return addr.filter(async (item) =>
const stat = await this.statPromisify(path.join(filepath, item));
return stat.isDirectory();
public removeFile(filepath: string): void
public async removeFileAsync(filepath: string): Promise<void>
await this.unlinkPromisify(filepath);
public removeDir(filepath: string): void
const files = this.getFiles(filepath);
const dirs = this.getDirs(filepath);
for (const dir of dirs)
this.removeDir(path.join(filepath, dir));
for (const file of files)
this.removeFile(path.join(filepath, file));
public async removeDirAsync(filepath: string): Promise<void>
const files = this.getFiles(filepath);
const dirs = this.getDirs(filepath);
const promises = [];
for (const dir of dirs)
promises.push(this.removeDirAsync(path.join(filepath, dir)));
for (const file of files)
promises.push(this.removeFile(path.join(filepath, file)));
await Promise.all(promises);
await this.rmdirPromisify(filepath);
private lockFileSync(filepath: any): void
private checkFileSync(filepath: any): any
return lockfile.checkSync(filepath);
private unlockFileSync(filepath: any): void
public getFileExtension(filepath: string): string
return filepath.split(".").pop();
public stripExtension(filepath: string): string
return filepath.split(".").slice(0, -1).join(".");
public async minifyAllJsonInDirRecursive(filepath: string): Promise<void>
const files = this.getFiles(filepath).filter((item) => this.getFileExtension(item) === "json");
for (const file of files)
const filePathAndName = path.join(filepath, file);
const minified = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(this.readFile(filePathAndName)));
this.writeFile(filePathAndName, minified);
const dirs = this.getDirs(filepath);
for (const dir of dirs)
this.minifyAllJsonInDirRecursive(path.join(filepath, dir));
public async minifyAllJsonInDirRecursiveAsync(filepath: string): Promise<void>
const files = this.getFiles(filepath).filter((item) => this.getFileExtension(item) === "json");
for (const file of files)
const filePathAndName = path.join(filepath, file);
const minified = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(await this.readFile(filePathAndName)));
await this.writeFile(filePathAndName, minified);
const dirs = this.getDirs(filepath);
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
for (const dir of dirs)
promises.push(this.minifyAllJsonInDirRecursive(path.join(filepath, dir)));
await Promise.all(promises);
public getFilesOfType(directory: string, fileType: string, files: string[] = []): string[]
// no dir so exit early
if (!fs.existsSync(directory))
return files;
const dirents = fs.readdirSync(directory, { encoding: "utf-8", withFileTypes: true });
for (const dirent of dirents)
const res = resolve(directory, dirent.name);
if (dirent.isDirectory())
this.getFilesOfType(res, fileType, files);
if (res.endsWith(fileType))
return files;