We've created our own Git Large File Storage (LFS) server due to the
excessive cost of GitHub's bandwidth. Did you know all of their Ethernet
cables are actually gold coated diamonds?
This PR reverses the work done in #954 to compress large location JSON
files into a 7zip archive and handle the (de)compression of the archive.
Only JSON files within the `project/assets/database/` directory that are
larger than 5MB have been included in LFS. This translates to all of the
`looseLoot.json` files. The rest are small enough to be included in the
base repo.
A `.lfsconfig` file has been added to the root of the project to alert
git to the presence of the custom LFS server. This public server is
read-only. Write access is only available to developers within the
Single Player Tarkov GitHub organization.
This fixes an edge-case where the `.find` could return a gear rack
mannequin's equipment instead of the player's if their inventory isn't
in the order expected.
Resolves an issue where sometimes quest production unlocks get removed
from the profile, resulting in users being locked out of crafting
stations due to uncollectable productions
Due to LFS storage issues... This PR removes all current LFS files (the
location loot files) and replaces them with a single 7-zip archive. The
archive is stored in LFS, but has decreased in size by roughly 95%.
The location `.json` files are now git-ignored.
There are two new npm commands to aid in working with the archive:
- `npm run database:compress`
Compresses the JSON files into an archive *which can be committed into
the project*.
- `npm run database:decompress`
Decompresses the archive into the original JSON files located in the
working directory.
The gulp file that handles builds has been updated to ensure that the
archive files are *always* used when a build is processed, regardless of
if the JSON files are already present in the working directory.
- Replaces the Gitea workflows with Github workflows.
- Adds a Github issue template.
(The reason this is being done directly on master is because it's the branch that the issue templates load from.)